PING: RFR: JDK-8151815: Could not parse core image with JSnap.

Yasumasa Suenaga yasuenag at
Mon Oct 16 13:25:38 UTC 2017


Could you review it?




On 2017/10/03 13:18, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
> Hi all,
> I added gtest unit test case for this change in new webrev:
> Could you review it?
> Thanks,
> Yasumasa
> 2017-09-27 0:01 GMT+09:00 Yasumasa Suenaga <yasuenag at>:
>> Hi all,
>> I uploaded new webrev to be adapted to jdk10/hs:
>> Thanks,
>> Yasumasa
>> On 2017/09/21 7:45, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>>> PING:
>>> Have you checked this issue?
>>> Yasumasa
>>> On 2017/07/01 23:43, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>>>> PING:
>>>> Have you checked this issue?
>>>> Yasumasa
>>>> On 2017/06/13 14:10, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I want to discuss about JDK-8151815: Could not parse core image with
>>>>> JSnap.
>>>>> In last year, I found JSnap cannot parse coredump and I've sent review
>>>>> request for it as JDK-8151815. However it has not been reviewed yet
>>>>> [1].
>>>>> We've discussed about safety implementation, but we could not get
>>>>> consensus.
>>>>> IMHO all SA tools should be handled java processes and core images,
>>>>> and PerfCounter value is useful. So I fix this issue.
>>>>> I uploaded new webrev for this issue. I think this patch is safety
>>>>> because new flag PerfMemory::_destroyed guards double free, and all
>>>>> members in PerfMemory is accessible (they are not munmap'ed)
>>>>> Can you cooperate?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Yasumasa
>>>>> [1]

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