RFR(L): 8196989: Revamp G1 JMX MemoryPoolMXBean, GarbageCollectorMXBean, and jstat counter definitions

Thomas Schatzl thomas.schatzl at oracle.com
Wed Aug 1 19:02:27 UTC 2018


On Mon, 2018-07-30 at 19:18 +0000, Hohensee, Paul wrote:
> At JVMLS, so can't look in depth this instant, but I'm fine with your
> approach, except I'd get the new JMX and jstat structure in place
> before fixing the data that gets reported. Imo it'll be easier to fit
> correct data into the new JMX/jstat setup than into the old one, and
> doing it the new way will give us a good idea of exactly what we
> should do for the legacy ones.

What I want to first do is polishing the existing code a bit so that
changes to the jmx/jstat structures does not touch G1CollectedHeap code
as much as possible, and remove cruft.

Some of these refactorings are interesting for other somewhat unrelated
improvements too :)

Before that is finished, we can meanwhile figure out what values we
want in the MXBeans too...

Which brings me back to the question of which pools will there be in
the "new" mxbeans, what their contents could be, and the relations
between the returned values (i.e. consistency).

So my question has been, what do you think about the following
additions to the scheme proposed in the CSR for the "new" set of pools:

 - remove the "to" survivor space pool
 - add a "free regions" pool
There should probably be a third change to the pools in the CSR: in G1
it is possible that there are no regions for memory areas that are
actually committed iirc. This is because region size can be different
to page size - just consider 1G pages. G1 at G1CollectedHeap level may
ask the HeapRegionManager to uncommit a certain amount of memory due to
shrinking, but the HeapRegionManager may not find a contiguous set of
regions that fits full 1G pages.
What do you think about a "logically uncommited" pool?
(I need to check how HeapRegionManager works again, but I think there
is the possibility to have such)

About returned value consistency:

- it seems that the best we can achieve for MemoryPools that the values
within a single MemoryUsage after a call to getUsage() are consistent.

- values of further calls to get the MemoryUsage of a different pool
may contradict the first result.

- a corollary of that is that the sum of values of a particular members
(basically all of them) of MemoryUsage may not add up to particular
values. E.g. the sum of the "max" fields will not sum up to -Xmx.

- only some values of MemoryUsage of the same pool are guaranteed to
always be <= or >= a previous value between two GC induced safepoints
(that includes Remark and Cleanup as we may free memory there). E.g.
used() does, but others may not.

- no consistency guarantees for other ways of getting memory sizes

About expected values:

- the only pool with "init" size > 0 will be the "Free region" pool
(and potentially the "logically uncommitted" one).

- "used" values will not include filler objects like in the other

- "max" is basically always the maximum heap capacity for all pools.
(Probably it is more interesting to use "current" maximum heap
capacity, not absolute maximum, i.e. the -Xmx value?)

The values in the compatibility pools will be some sum of the new ones.

> Your archive region set webrev looks pretty much the same as what I
> wrote, but I got a trace trap when I tried to execute the resulting
> JVM. Not a clue why, so I abandoned it.

Can you describe this trace trap a bit more? On OSX, in debug?

> I'd not have thought of making a G1MonitoringScope, looks good.

  I was not soliciting reviews yet, but thanks anyway :) I will take
these into consideration in the proper review.


> Thanks,
> Paul
> On 7/30/18, 6:04 AM, "Thomas Schatzl" <thomas.schatzl at oracle.com>
> wrote:
>     Hi Paul,
>       did some prototyping and wanted to show you the results and get
> your
>     input:
>     On Thu, 2018-07-26 at 16:06 +0200, Thomas Schatzl wrote:
>     > 
>     [...]
>     > Could we work together on first refactoring the code before
> adding
>     > new
>     > kinds of spaces to the MXBeans?
>     > 
>     > Looking at this change and mine roughly the following issues
> would
>     > need to be resolved first:
>     > - find a solution for archive regions as suggested above :) At
> the
>     > moment, without doing the change, I would tend to make archive
>     > regions separate from old regions.
>     I went with that and I am currently testing https://bugs.openjdk.
> java.n
>     et/browse/JDK-8208498 ; here's a webrev to look at: http://cr.ope
> njdk.j
>     ava.net/~tschatzl/8208498/webrev/
>     > - move serviceability stuff as much as possible to
>     > g1MonitoringSupport
>     Preliminary webrev:
>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tschatzl/move-serviceability-stuff/we
> brev/
>     I think this came out better than expected: while we maybe want
> to add
>     a ServiceabilitySupport interface that collects the
>     get_memory_manager/pools/* methods in the future, imho this is a
> lot
>     better than current code as it tightens the G1MonitoringSupport
>     interface quite a bit.
>     Particularly of note should be the G1MonitoringScope class that
>     collects both TraceCollectorStats and TraceMemoryManagerStats
> into a
>     single class. (Instead of the two bools passed to it something
>     indicating the GC directly would probably be better too).
>     It would be nice if something similar could be made for the
> concurrent Trace*Stats.
>     > - clean up MemoryPool, remove duplicate information
>     > - provide and return sane memory pool used/committed values to
> the
>     > MXBeans
>     > - clean up G1MonitoringSupport, e.g. avoid "*used/*committed"
>     > variables for every single memory pool. Use MemoryUsage structs
>     > for them. Make reading of memory pool information atomic wrt to
its readers
> (note
>     > that I think it is currently just impossible to get consistent
> output
>     > for other statistics like jstat) - that's JDK-8207200.
>     > - add whatever serviceability stuff for the new pools/jstat/*
> in
>     > steps.
>     Thanks,
>       Thomas

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