SA Debug attach to another jvm version possible?

Krystal Mok rednaxelafx at
Tue Aug 21 10:47:44 UTC 2018

You're probably looking for <javahome>/jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod ?

- Kris

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 3:18 AM, Egor Ushakov <egor.ushakov at>

> Thank you all! It is much better now.
> Related question: documentation for java 10
> /10/docs/specs/jpda/conninv.html#sa-pid-attaching-connector
> still states that the debug server should be launched with sa-jdi.jar in
> classpath, though there's no such jar in the jdk any more.
> java \
>     -classpath ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/sa-jdi.jar \
>     sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.SADebugServer
> How should it be launched on jdk 9, 10?
> Thanks,
> Egor
> On 21-Aug-18 11:55, Sharath Ballal wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> I opened for it.
>> Thanks,
>> Sharath
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Holmes
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 7:47 AM
>> To: Sharath Ballal; Egor Ushakov; serviceability-dev at
>> serviceability-dev at
>> Subject: Re: SA Debug attach to another jvm version possible?
>> Hi Sharath,
>> On 21/08/2018 3:07 AM, Sharath Ballal wrote:
>>> Hello Egor,
>>> By default, SA checks for the exact match of the version between the
>>> debugger and the debuggee.  If you
>> In that case we need to fix the referenced documentation that states
>> otherwise.
>> Cheers,
>> David
>> want SA to ignore the version, you need to provide the
>> "-Dsun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VM.disableVersionCheck" option to the java
>> launcher from the command line.  This is the case even if you are not using
>> the debug server.  However since 'jstack' and similar tools don’t take the
>> "-D" option of java, you can invoke it as follows:
>>> java   -cp <jdk>/lib/sa-jdi.jar   -Dsun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VM.disableVersionCheck
>>>   localhost
>>> If you invoke the SA tools with this option, you will get a warning that
>>> the version check has been disabled.
>>> Example:
>>> $ <jdk>/bin/java -cp <jdk>/lib/sa-jdi.jar
>>> -Dsun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VM.disableVersionCheck
>>> localhost Attaching to remote server
>>> localhost, please wait...
>>> WARNING: You have disabled SA and VM version check. You may be using
>>> incompatible version of SA and you may see unexpected results.
>>> Debugger attached successfully.
>>> Server compiler detected.
>>> JVM version is 25.121-b13
>>> Deadlock Detection:
>>> No deadlocks found.
>>> Thread t@ 2804: (state = BLOCKED)
>>> Thread t@ 2803: (state = BLOCKED)
>>>    - java.lang.Object.wait(long) @bci=0 (Interpreted frame)
>>>    - java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(long) @bci=59, line=143
>>> (Interpreted frame)
>>>    - java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove() @bci=2, line=164
>>> (Interpreted frame)
>>>    - java.lang.ref.Finalizer$ @bci=36, line=209
>>> (Interpreted frame)
>>> Thread t@ 2802: (state = BLOCKED)
>>>    - java.lang.Object.wait(long) @bci=0 (Interpreted frame)
>>>    - java.lang.Object.wait() @bci=2, line=502 (Interpreted frame)
>>>    - java.lang.ref.Reference.tryHandlePending(boolean) @bci=54,
>>> line=191 (Interpreted frame)
>>>    - java.lang.ref.Reference$ @bci=1, line=153
>>> (Interpreted frame)
>>> Thread t@ 2798: (state = BLOCKED)
>>>    - java.lang.Thread.sleep(long) @bci=0 (Interpreted frame)
>>>    - HelloWorld.main(java.lang.String[]) @bci=72, line=15 (Interpreted
>>> frame)
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sharath
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Egor Ushakov [mailto:egor.ushakov at]
>>> Sent: Monday, August 20, 2018 3:42 PM
>>> To: serviceability-dev at
>>> serviceability-dev at
>>> Subject: SA Debug attach to another jvm version possible?
>>> Hi all,
>>> documentation for SA Debug Server Attaching Connector here:
>>> ml#Connectors states that the SADebugServer has to run on the same vm
>>> version as the debugee process, but "the debugger does not have to be
>>> the same bit size and version."
>>> However any attempts to connect from another version fail with
>>> sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VMVersionMismatchException.
>>> Please help, what do I do wrong (locally for simplicity):
>>> - start the debugee process with jdk1.8.0_162  - get the PID
>>> - start "jdk1.8.0_162\bin>jsadebugd.exe PID" - all starts well
>>> - trying to attach jstack, jdb or whatever from another version:
>>> jdk1.8.0_152\bin>jstack localhost
>>> Attaching to remote server localhost, please wait...
>>> Error attaching to remote server:
>>> sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VMVersionMismatchException: Supported versions
>>> are 25.152-b16. Target VM is 25.162-b12
>>> sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.DebuggerException:
>>> sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VMVersionMismatchException: Supported versions
>>> are 25.152-b16. Target VM is 25.162-b12
>>> jdk1.8.0_152\bin>jdb -connect
>>> "sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.SADebugServerAttachingConnector:
>>> debugServerName=localhost"
>>>            at
>>> sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.SADebugServerAttachingConnector.attach(S
>>>            at
>>>            at
>>>            at
>>>            at
>>> Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
>>>            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
>>> Method)
>>>            at
>>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAcce
>>>            at
>>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMe
>>>            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>            at
>>> sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.SADebugServerAttachingConnector.
>>> createVirtualMachine(
>>>            at
>>> sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.SADebugServerAttachingConnector.attach(S
>>>            ... 4 more
>>> Caused by: sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.DebuggerException:
>>> sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VMVersionMismatchException: Supported versions
>>> are 25.152-b16. Target VM is 25.162-b12
>>>            at sun.jvm.hotspot.HotSpotAgent.s
>>> etupVM(
>>>            at sun.jvm.hotspot.HotSpotAgent.go(
>>>            at sun.jvm.hotspot.HotSpotAgent.attach(
>>>            at
>>> sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.VirtualMachineImpl.createVirtualMachineF
>>> orServer(
>>>            ... 10 more
>>> Caused by: sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VMVersionMismatchException:
>>> Supported versions are 25.152-b16. Target VM is 25.162-b12
>>>            at sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VM.checkVMVersion(
>>>            at sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VM.<init>(
>>>            at sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VM.initialize(
>>>            at sun.jvm.hotspot.HotSpotAgent.s
>>> etupVM(
>>>            ... 13 more
>>> Thanks!
>>> --
>>> Egor Ushakov
>>> Software Developer
>>> JetBrains
>>> The Drive to Develop
> --
> Egor Ushakov
> Software Developer
> JetBrains
> The Drive to Develop
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