RFR: JDK-8209604: [TEST] rewrite com/sun/jdi shell tests to java version - step2

Alex Menkov alexey.menkov at oracle.com
Fri Aug 31 01:03:39 UTC 2018

It looks like the root cause of the extra newlines.


On 08/29/2018 18:55, Chris Plummer wrote:
> I just stumbled across the following in Jdb.java. I think it might be 
> the source of the extra newlines on windows:
>      public static final String lineSeparator = 
> System.getProperty("line.separator");
>              if (!jdbCommand.endsWith(lineSeparator)) {
>                  logCmd = jdbCommand;
>                  jdbCommand += lineSeparator;
>              } else {
>                  // we don't want to log the line separator
>                  logCmd = jdbCommand.substring(0, jdbCommand.length() - 1);
>              }
> If this is the cause, I think the fix might be to just replace "1" with 
> lineSeparator.length().
> Chris
> On 8/27/18 4:36 PM, Chris Plummer wrote:
>> Yeah, I think the issue I had with extra newlines was with nsk tests. 
>> But it was something you only saw if the test failed, forcing the log 
>> to include all the output.
>> thanks,
>> Chris
>> On 8/27/18 4:14 PM, Alex Menkov wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> This "newline stripping" logic was copied from nsk classes, where jdb 
>>> commands are represented as string constants and some of the 
>>> constants have newline at the end (for the commands which do not have 
>>> arguments), and others don't have.
>>> JdbCommand class in com/sun/jdi/lib/jdb/ has static factory methods 
>>> to create commands and it does not expect any new lines in the 
>>> commands, so this stripping logic is not required.
>>> I rechecked - jdb output looks good (no extra newlines).
>>> Maybe you mean some issues with nsk classes?
>>> --alex
>>> On 08/27/2018 14:55, Chris Plummer wrote:
>>>> Hi Alex,
>>>> I noticed you no longer strip the trailing newline from JdbCommand. 
>>>> Are you sure when we print the command we are seeing the proper 
>>>> output of newlines (no extra ones). For example, we have the 
>>>> following in Jdb.java:
>>>>          System.out.println("> " + cmd.cmd);
>>>>          inputWriter.println(cmd.cmd);
>>>> This looks like it will print an extra newline in cases where it was 
>>>> not stirpped. And I should point out that on windows we see a lot of 
>>>> extra newlines in the jdb output. I thought I had tracked this down 
>>>> once, but can't find the email were I explained the cause. But your 
>>>> change leads me to think it might have been faulty stripping of the 
>>>> newline in JdbCommand, and now you are making it so it never strips.
>>>> thanks,
>>>> Chris
>>>> On 8/16/18 2:13 PM, Alex Menkov wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Please review next chunk of shell->java test conversion.
>>>>> jira: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8209604
>>>>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amenkov/sh2java/step2/webrev/
>>>>> The fix contains some changes in library classes:
>>>>> Jdb.java - timeouts are updated (as per Dan note in one of previous 
>>>>> review, timeouts should respect timeout factor, Utils.adjustTimeout 
>>>>> implements the functionality);
>>>>> JdbCommand.java - new jdb commands (required by tests) are added.
>>>>> --alex

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