RFR (M) 8214892: Delayed starting of debugging via jcmd

Schmelter, Ralf ralf.schmelter at sap.com
Wed Dec 5 14:56:46 UTC 2018

Hi All,

Please review the fix for the bug https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8214892. The webref is at http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rrich/webrevs/schmelter/8214892/webrev.01/ .

This change allows debugging to be started delayed, triggered by a jcmd name VM.start_java_debugging. It works more or less like the onthrow and onuncaught options, but instead of triggering by exception we trigger it via the jcmd. This is useful when we want to trigger debugging when we see errors not related to exceptions (e.g. if a server becomes unresponsive it could be taken out of the routing and debugging is triggered to find the cause).

Best regards,

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