RFR: JDK-8187498: Add a -Xmanagement flag as syntactic sugar for -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.* properties

Kumar Srinivasan kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.com
Wed Feb 7 15:32:57 UTC 2018

Hi Harsha,

Changes look reasonable to me, couple of things that must be addressed:

1. Since this is a main-stream launcher change with a documented and 
option, a CSR is required,  you have  to add and document the option in 
the help page

2. You also have to create a doc bug so that the doc team will document 
it in the Tools
Reference Guide, and link it to this bug. Does it need a Release note ? 
probably does,
in which case you will have to create Release Note subtask and follow 
the RN process.

3. Is XmanagementAgentTest.java part of tier1 test suite ? If not, then  
I think it ought
to be in tier1 grouping, perhaps best to park this under 
jdk/tools/launcher/management ?


> Hi All,
> After internal discussions, below format for management flags was 
> agreed upon.
> 1. --start-management-agent port=1234,ssl=on        (space seperator)
> or
> 2. --start-management-agent=port=1234,ssl=on        ('=' seperator)
> If option 1 is specified, it will be converted to option 2 by the java 
> launcher before it is passed onto VM.
> With above GNU long format for management options, specifying 
> arguments is mandatory unlike before.
> --start-management-agent will not be recognized in the current format 
> and hence will not default to --start-management-agent=local=true.
> Below is the webrev with above changes and corresponding tests.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~hb/8187498/webrev.01/
> Please review and comment.
> Thanks
> Harsha
> On Monday 29 January 2018 03:14 PM, Harsha Wardhana B wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>> I am not fully aware about Java launcher or how it passes options to 
>> VM. Let me check with some other folks and get back to you.
>> Thanks
>> Harsha
>> On Monday 29 January 2018 01:55 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>>> On 29/01/2018 05:20, Harsha Wardhana B wrote:
>>>> Hi Mandy,Alan,
>>>> Thanks for your inputs.
>>>> If I keep it as launcher option, it may need to know JMX agent 
>>>> flags which may need to be extended in future.
>>>> I would prefer making it a VM option. I will make the required 
>>>> changes and send out an updated webrev.
>>> I think Mandy's suggestion is to just transform --management 
>>> <options> so a form that the VM can read. The launcher will need to 
>>> replace the space anyway as the VM only accepts "=".
>>> -Alan

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