Thread Native ID Access

Jeremy Manson jeremymanson at
Tue Feb 27 00:38:37 UTC 2018

Okay, I'll find time at some point to tinker with it.  I'm going to wait
until Mandy lands the fix to JDK-8198253, though.


On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 3:44 PM, Hohensee, Paul <hohensee at> wrote:

> I am. :)
> The process is to file an RFE and then a CSR associated with it. You file
> the CSR from the RFE page, not separately. See
> You need a review of the CSR by a domain expert before you can finalize it
> for committee review. If you go with versions of
> ThreadInfo and ThreadMXBean methods, there’s no change in the
> specification, which is important because the j.l.m
> interface must be supported by all implementations, which is a higher bar
> than for c.s.m changes.
> Paul
> *From: *Jeremy Manson <jeremymanson at>
> *Date: *Friday, February 23, 2018 at 3:12 PM
> *To: *"Hohensee, Paul" <hohensee at>
> *Cc: *David Holmes <david.holmes at>, "serviceability-dev at openjdk.
>" <serviceability-dev at>, "
> loom-dev at" <loom-dev at>, John Rose <
> john.r.rose at>
> *Subject: *Re: Thread Native ID Access
> Thanks, Paul.  This is approximately what I was envisioning when Mandy and
> David said they didn't really want to expose it in java.lang.Thread.
> If folks are generally amenable to something like this, I can probably
> find the spare time to cobble it together.
> Jeremy
> On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 1:07 PM, Hohensee, Paul <hohensee at>
> wrote:
> Here’s a concrete proposal on which people may want to comment.
> We could add a method to ThreadInfo, vis.,
> long getPlatformThreadId()
> Returns the platform-specific thread ID of the thread associated with this
> ThreadInfo. The ID has no meaning to the Java runtime and is not guaranteed
> to have any meaning at all.
> I.e., it may be a constant value for all threads, or a native address, and
> may not be the same across multiple invocations.
> Returns:
> the platform-specific ID of the associated thread.
> For a fiber, a reasonable value would be the OS thread id for the OS
> thread that’s running the fiber at ThreadInfo construction time. If, say,
> the platform used a string or some other larger-than-long value, it could
> be a native address or some other value that mapped to one.
> If we don’t want to add a new method to ThreadInfo, we could define a
> to go with
> Parenthetically, to me a fiber is enough different from a thread to
> warrant a separate MXBean. I.e., a thread is a species of fiber, but not
> vica versa. So, we shouldn’t gate changes to ThreadMXBean on having a
> thorough understanding of how to support fibers in JMX.
> We could also add to the methods
> getThreadId(long id), getThreadId(long [] ids), getPlatformThreadId(long
> id), and getPlatformThreadId(long [] ids). These presumably would be fast
> compared to creating ThreadInfo(s).
> We don’t want to add Thread.getPlatformId(), so the way to get the current
> thread’s platform id would be
> getThreadInfo( Thread.currentThread().getId() ).getPlatformThreadId()
> which is cumbersome and slow. Instead, by analogy to ThreadMXBean.getCurrentThreadCpuTime(),
> we could add to the methods
> getCurrentThreadId() and getCurrentPlatformThreadId().
> All this may seem somewhat overkill, but it’s no more so than how we
> currently create ThreadInfo objects and the various ThreadCpu/UserTime
> method definitions.
> Thanks,
> Paul
> *From: *serviceability-dev <serviceability-dev-bounces at>
> on behalf of Jeremy Manson <jeremymanson at>
> *Date: *Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 9:42 PM
> *To: *David Holmes <david.holmes at>
> *Cc: *"serviceability-dev at" <serviceability-dev at openjdk.
>>, "loom-dev at" <loom-dev at>, John
> Rose <john.r.rose at>
> *Subject: *Re: Thread Native ID Access
> I think we're all pretty much agreed that fibers imply native tids can
> change.  I think that, as long as we document that, we're fine.
> An API where there is probably a worse implementation problem is
> ThreadMXBean#getThreadCpuTime
> <>
> .  Right now, the implementation assumes a 1:1 mapping between OS thread
> and Java thread.  Removing that assumption implies you have to do something
> like track cpu time every time the scheduler switches you out, which is
> going to make your switches expensive.
> Jeremy
> On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 9:16 PM, David Holmes <david.holmes at>
> wrote:
> On 23/02/2018 3:04 PM, John Rose wrote:
> On Feb 22, 2018, at 8:49 PM, David Holmes <david.holmes at
> <mailto:david.holmes at>> wrote:
> I don't think this request has any impact on Fibers at all. At any given
> time a piece of executing Java code is executing on a current Thread, and
> that current Thread must be running on a native thread (regardless of
> mapping) and the native thread has an id. The only use for exposing such an
> id is to allow you to correlate information obtained from inside the VM,
> with information observed outside, possibly by external tools.
> We may or may not bind fiber identity to the legacy java.lang.Thread type.
> I'm not assuming that exposing native thread ids implies anything about
> the binding between those entities and anything higher-level. I have no
> issue with a Fiber/Continuation/Task/whatever running on different
> java.lang.Threads over its lifetime. For that matter I don't think it
> matters if java.lang.Threads could execute on different native threads
> (they don't but they could).
> David
> -----
> This affects the question of whether the following code can return false:
> boolean testThreadShift(Runnable r) {
>    Thread t0 = Thread.current();
>    Thread t1 = Thread.current();
>    return t0 == t1;
> }
> This method can return false if (a) Thread.current() reports the identity
> of the OS thread (not the fiber currently running), and (b) the runnable
> includes a blocking operation which causes the current fiber to reschedule
> on a different OS thread before it returns.
> Having this method return false is, perhaps, surprising enough to cause
> us to inject fiber identity into java.lang.Thread, so that a
> java.lang.Thread
> identity is 1-1 with a fiber, rather than an OS "dinosaur" thread.  (You
> can
> only pick one!)  The alternative is to keep a 1-1 identity between OS
> threads
> and java.lang.Thread instances, making a new type which carries fiber
> identity that multiplexes in a scheduler-dependent way over OS threads.
> It's an interesting trade-off, with many compatibility concerns.
> I think we are leaning toward injecting fiber identity into Thread,
> although this makes me shudder to think of the overheads we
> will buy with this one move (ThreadLocal hash tables).
> So, now if you reify the OS thread identity, you could have the same
> issue again.  Can this routine return false?
> boolean testNTIDShift(Runnable r) {
>    long t0 = NativeThreadID.current();
>    long t1 = NativeThreadID.current();
>    return t0 == t1;
> }
> I think, if you are digging down all the way to the native thread ID,
> this routine *must* be allowed to return false under a Loom JVM.
> There's no credible way to assign unique int64_t IDs to fiber objects
> in the Java heap, as if they were OS objects.
> So my question is, do the proposed use cases for NTID allow
> for testNTIDShift to return false?  If not, then it's pretty easy to say
> that we don't want to supply NativeThreadID.current() for general
> use, just to people implementing schedulers.
> — John
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