DOC RFR: 8187448: 360 doc issues in jdwp-protocol.html

Alex Menkov alexey.menkov at
Mon Jan 8 18:59:02 UTC 2018

Hi Daniil,

-            writer.println("<dd><table border=1 cellpadding=3 
cellspacing=0 width=\"90%\" summary=\"\"><tr>");
+            writer.println("<dd><table border=1 cellpadding=3 
cellspacing=0 width=\"90%\"><tr>");

border, cellpadding, cellspacing, width are also unsupported in HTML5
It's unclear why tidy doesn't report them.
Could you try to run W3 validator (


On 12/22/2017 09:39, Daniil Titov wrote:
>      Please review a fix for the doc bug.
>      The fix does the following:
>          1. Removes empty <ul> elements.
>          2. Adds an outer <ul> element to the index section .
>          3. Removes obsolete in HTML5 “summary” attribute in <table> elements.
>          4. Removes empty <p> elements.
>          5. Replaces not supported in HTML5 “bgcolor” attribute for <body> element with “style="background-color”” attribute.
>          6. Removes <dd> element in  ConstantSetNode  (there is no outer <dl> element in this case)
>          7. Adds required by accessibility audits “lang” attribute for <html> element.
>      Testing:
>             1. Built the docs target and looked at the resulting jdwp-protocol.html.
>             2. Tested that is passes validation with tidy
>             3. Tested it passes accessibility audits with Accessibility Developer Tool (Chrome)
>      Bug:
>      Webrev:
>      Thanks,
>      Daniil

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