New JBS component for the serviceability agent

jesper.wilhelmsson at jesper.wilhelmsson at
Thu Jan 18 00:35:01 UTC 2018

> On 17 Jan 2018, at 23:26, David Holmes <david.holmes at> wrote:
> Hi Jesper,
> cc'd serviceability-dev
> On 18/01/2018 7:03 AM, jesper.wilhelmsson at wrote:
>> Hi,
>> A new JBS component is now available for the serviceability agent: hotspot/svc-agent
>> This means that the old label svc-sa is deprecated and any issue that had this label has been moved to the new subcomponent.
>> So, wherever you'd previously used the label svc-sa (mainly in hotspot/svc or in core-svc/tools) you should now use the component hotspot/svc-agent.
> Do we have guidelines on what kind of svc issues to file where? It often isn't clear which components are involved.

hotspot/svc-agent is for issues concerning the serviceability agent (code in src/jdk.hotspot.agent/* and vmStructs.cpp). JMX issues goes into core-svc/ Both of these components are considered part of the M&M area. (They also have core-svc/

As for the serviceability area there are components like: hotspot/jvmti, hotspot/svc, core-svc/debugger, core-svc/tools, core-svc/java.lang.instrument, and tools/hprof. Some of these have fairly descriptive names, the rest I leave for the serviceability folks to sort out :-)


> Thanks,
> David
>> Thanks,
>> /Jesper

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