RFR: SA: clhsdb 'printall' throws ClassCastException while printing out the bytecodes

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Thu Jan 25 02:30:33 UTC 2018

Hi Jini,

On 25/01/2018 3:43 AM, Jini George wrote:
> Hello,
> Requesting reviews for the issue:
> SA: clhsdb 'printall' throws ClassCastException while printing out the 
> bytecodes
> ID: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8175384
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jgeorge/8175384/webrev.01/
> The issue was seen while printing out the details of the invokevirtual 
> bytecode of the java.lang.Enum.values() method. The fix is to avoid a 
> ClassCastException by returning the bottom klass in the case of an 
> object array klass, while printing out the details.

I'm a bit confused as to what getFieldOrMethodKlassRefAt is supposed to 
be returning - should it really be instanceKlass? It's not at all clear 
to me that returning the array component type is the right thing to do.

That aside a couple of minor nits:


!       k = (k.isObjArrayKlass())?((ObjArrayKlass)k).getBottomKlass():k;

No () needed around k.isObjArrayKlass()
Spaces needed around the ? and : operators


Copyright year should now be "2017, 2018,"


> Tests run: The SA tests pass with Mach5 and jprt.
> Thanks,
> Jini.

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