RFR 8208303: Track JNI failures and fail tests

JC Beyler jcbeyler at google.com
Fri Jul 27 23:36:41 UTC 2018

Hi all,

I did the new version that calls FatalError if JNI fails a call. This has
the advantage of not having to complicate the Java tests at all, while
adding the post-JNI call checks.

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcbeyler/8208303/webrev.03/
Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8208303

Thanks all!

On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 12:52 PM Chris Plummer <chris.plummer at oracle.com>

> I'm pretty sure changes that only affect tests can be any priority. But
> still, be a lot more cautious the closer we get to release.
> Chris
> On 7/26/18 12:15 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
> We entered RDP2 today (07.26). So only P1 and P2 bug fixes allowed.
> Dan
> On 7/26/18 3:14 PM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
> Yes, of course it has to be well tested before the push.
> Does it make sense to plan it to push to 11 (after th testing is done)?
> Thanks,
> Serguei
> On 7/26/18 12:08, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
> Please make sure this fix is well tested in Mach5 prior to pushing.
> In particular, I'm focused on reducing the noise in Mach5 tier[1-3]
> so adding any new failures there will make me grumpy :-)
> Dan
> On 7/26/18 3:03 PM, JC Beyler wrote:
> Hi all,
> With the FatalError idea, here is the webrev to consider, note it no
> longer changes the tests. If a JNI call fails, then we call FatalError.
> Let me know what you think:
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcbeyler/8208303/webrev.01/
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8208303
> Thanks!
> Jc
> On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 10:46 AM serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com <
> serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jc,
>> Good idea.
>> I was thinking about something like this.
>> Thanks,
>> Serguei
>> On 7/26/18 10:40, JC Beyler wrote:
>> Hi Serguei,
>> As I was looking at another test bug (
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8191519); the proposal for that
>> bug is to have a JNI call to FatalError to provoke a failure.
>> If we went down that route, this webrev is simpler, no? Instead of
>> setting failure_status and checking it later; just fail fatally and be done
>> with it, no? That way, the tests in Java land don't have to be changed
>> actually, no?
>> What would we prefer for tests? Remember there was a failure and test it
>> later or fail fast via JNI's FatalError?
>> Thanks,
>> Jc
>> On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 10:04 AM serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com <
>> serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Jc,
>>> It looks good to me.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Serguei
>>> On 7/26/18 09:58, JC Beyler wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> The tests in the HeapMonitor subsystem has a lot of JNI calls. There is
>>> a need for verification and testing if anything in the JNI subsystem failed
>>> unexpectedly.
>>> Here is a webrev that tracks if a JNI call does fail and the tests will
>>> fail if any JNI call does fail.
>>> Could I have a few reviews please for:
>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcbeyler/8208303/webrev.00/
>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8208303
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jc
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Jc
> --
> Thanks,
> Jc


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