RFR(S): 8204110: serviceability/sa/ClhsdbSymbol.java and ClhsdbInspect.java failed when running in CDS mode

Calvin Cheung calvin.cheung at oracle.com
Thu Jun 7 16:54:59 UTC 2018

bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8204110
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ccheung/8204110/webrev.00/

For fixing the ClhsdbSymbol.java test, I've added dumping the symbols 
from the sharedTable if it isn't null.

The change touches all 3 files in the webrev.

SymbolTable.java - a helper function to return the sharedTable.

CompactHashTable.java - added the SymbolVisitor interface and a 
symbolsDo() method; similar interface and method are also in 

CommandProcessor.java - see lines 649 - 659 for printing the symbols of 
the sharedTable.

For fixing the ClhsdbInspect.java test, see lines 1063 - 1071 of 
I've adapted the block of code from 
BasicTypeDataBase.findDynamicTypeForAddress() method which can't be 
called directly from CommandProcessor because the Type isn't known at 
that point.

Ran the tests with and without CDS on linux-x64.
Will run tests on other platforms.


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