Ping!! Re: RFR: 8203357 Container Metrics

Bob Vandette bob.vandette at
Mon Jun 11 18:28:05 UTC 2018

> On Jun 11, 2018, at 4:07 AM, Robbin Ehn <robbin.ehn at> wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> On 06/07/2018 07:43 PM, Bob Vandette wrote:
>> Can I get one more reviewer for this RFE so I can integrate it?
> Seems okay.
> "Returns the length of the operating system time slice"
> Note that is is only true if you are using a batch scheduler.
> Otherwise this period may be split on multiple 'time slices’.

This is a cgroup metric which uses CFS not the OS time slice.

 136     /**
 137      * Returns the length of the operating system time slice, in
 138      * milliseconds, for processes within the Isolation Group.

> In printSystemMetrics there is no units, maybe intentional?

I’ll add ms for the quote/period output.  The memory metrics do have units.

> Do we have support now in mach5 for docker jtreg, or do we still run these separate?
> You can ship it.

> Thanks for fixing, and super thanks for fixing the bug in PlainRead also!
> /Robbin
>> Mandy Chung has reviewed this change.
>> I’ve run Mach5 hotspot and core lib tests.
>> I’ve reviewed the tests which were written by Harsha Wardhana
>> I filed a CSR for the command line change and it’s now approved and closed.
>> Thanks,
>> Bob.
>>> On May 30, 2018, at 3:45 PM, Bob Vandette <bob.vandette at> wrote:
>>> Please review the following RFE which adds an internal API, along with jtreg tests that provide
>>> access to Docker container configuration data and metrics.  In addition to the API which we hope to
>>> take advantage of in the future with Java Flight Recorder and a JMX Mbean, I’ve added an additional
>>> option to -XshowSettings:system than dumps out the container or host cgroup confguration
>>> information.  See the sample output below:
>>> RFE: Container Metrics
>>> This commit will also include a fix for the following bug.
>>> BUG: [TESTBUG] Test /runtime/containers/cgroup/ fails
>>> docker run —memory=256m --cpuset-cpus 4-7 -it ubuntu bash
>>> ./java -XshowSettings:system
>>> Operating System Metrics:
>>>    Provider: cgroupv1
>>>    Effective CPU Count: 4
>>>    CPU Period: 100000
>>>    CPU Quota: -1
>>>    CPU Shares: -1
>>>    List of Processors, 4 total:
>>>    4 5 6 7
>>>    List of Effective Processors, 4 total:
>>>    4 5 6 7
>>>    List of Memory Nodes, 2 total:
>>>    0 1
>>>    List of Available Memory Nodes, 2 total:
>>>    0 1
>>>    CPUSet Memory Pressure Enabled: false
>>>    Memory Limit: 256.00M
>>>    Memory Soft Limit: Unlimited
>>>    Memory & Swap Limit: 512.00M
>>>    Kernel Memory Limit: Unlimited
>>>    TCP Memory Limit: Unlimited
>>>    Out Of Memory Killer Enabled: true
>>> testing runtime container APIs
>>> Directory "JTwork" not found: creating
>>> Passed: runtime/containers/cgroup/
>>> Passed: runtime/containers/docker/
>>> Passed: runtime/containers/docker/
>>> Passed: runtime/containers/docker/
>>> Passed: runtime/containers/docker/
>>> Passed: runtime/containers/docker/
>>> Test results: passed: 6
>>> Results written to /export/users/bobv/jdk11/build/jtreg/JTwork
>>> testing jdk.internal.platform APIs
>>> Passed: jdk/internal/platform/cgroup/
>>> Passed: jdk/internal/platform/docker/
>>> Passed: jdk/internal/platform/docker/
>>> Passed: jdk/internal/platform/docker/
>>> Test results: passed: 4
>>> Results written to /export/users/bobv/jdk11/build/jtreg/JTwork
>>> testing -XshowSettings:system launcher option
>>> Passed: tools/launcher/
>>> Test results: passed: 1
>>> Bob.

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