RFR 8203809: [Graal] JDI tests fail with: JDITestRuntimeException : ** event IS NOT a breakpoint **
Daniil Titov
daniil.x.titov at oracle.com
Tue Jun 12 19:30:07 UTC 2018
Hi Serguei and Chris,
As I mentioned in the previous emails there are only 4 other tests that calls EventFiliters.filtered(event) and only 2 of them need to be changed to use EventFiliters.filtered(event, debuggeName).
So if the approach in the first webrev http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dtitov/8203809/webrev.02/ is preferable we could stick with it and I will just update this patch to add 2 more tests and combine EventFiliters.filtered(event, typeName) and EventFiliters.filteredByLocation(event, typeName) in the single method as Serguei suggested.
Best regards,
From: "serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com" <serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com>
Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 12:21 PM
To: Chris Plummer <chris.plummer at oracle.com>, Daniil Titov <daniil.x.titov at oracle.com>, "serviceability-dev at openjdk.java.net serviceability-dev at openjdk.java.net" <serviceability-dev at openjdk.java.net>
Subject: Re: RFR 8203809: [Graal] JDI tests fail with: JDITestRuntimeException : ** event IS NOT a breakpoint **
On 6/12/18 12:02, Chris Plummer wrote:
On 6/12/18 11:53 AM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
Hi Daniil,
I don't think, the approach for the tests to filter out the JFR and Graal threads
is not good despite the fact it is relatively easy to implement.
It does not cover any threads that may come in the future.
So that I consider the webrev below as just a work around of the real problem.
True, but his changes are just an extension of what is already being done - filtering out threads we don't care about.
I understand it.
The tests should just filter out everything that is not a part of their testing.
It can be done on a base of the Debuggee classes or threads, or any other approaches.
One problem is that events don't always come in on debuggee thread, so you can't filter out all threads other than the debuggee thread. I think probably filtering out all classes not related to the debuggee is probably the way to go. However, do we want to fix all the tests to do this, or just go with Daniil's quick fix?
In general, I'm Okay with this quick workaround fix.
But wanted to underline that we still have a base for problems in the future.
On 6/12/18 10:57, Daniil Titov wrote:
Hi Serguei,
There are 4 more tests that use EventFilters.filter() method and not all of them need to be changed to call EventFilters .filtered(Event event, String typeName). Specifically, vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/ExceptionEvent/exception/exception001/TestDescription.java and vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/ExceptionEvent/catchLocation/location001/TestDescription.java tests expect to receive an ExceptionEvent for NumberFormatException exception and the location of this event happens to be not the debuggee class ( java.lang.Integer:652). The tests pass now and changing them to use EventFilters .filtered(event, debugeeName) makes them fail.
There is also an alternative approach I would like to suggest. All these new Graal events are generated by the compiler threads (“JVMCI CompilerThread0, JVMCI CompilerThread1, etc.”) and could be filtered out inside EventFilters .filtered(Event event) method by checking the thread reference for the given event object.
Please review the updated fix the uses this approach.
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dtitov/8203809/webrev.02/
Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8203809
Best regards,
From: "serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com" <serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com>
Date: Monday, June 11, 2018 at 6:18 PM
To: Daniil Titov <daniil.x.titov at oracle.com>, "serviceability-dev at openjdk.java.net serviceability-dev at openjdk.java.net" <serviceability-dev at openjdk.java.net>
Subject: Re: RFR 8203809: [Graal] JDI tests fail with: JDITestRuntimeException : ** event IS NOT a breakpoint **
Hi Daniil,
It looks good in general.
Some minor comments though.
+ // Filters out events with location not matching the given type.
+ public static boolean filteredByLocation(Event event, String typeName) {
+ if (event instanceof Locatable) {
+ Location location = ((Locatable) event).location();
+ if (location != null) {
+ ReferenceType declaringType = location.declaringType();
+ if (declaringType != null && typeName.equals(declaringType.name())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Filters out internal JFR events and events with location not matching
+ // the given type.
+ public static boolean filtered(Event event, String typeName) {
+ return filtered(event) || filteredByLocation(event,typeName);
+ }
There are a couple of extra empty lines.
I'm suggesting to get rid of the second method and rename filteredByLocation() to filtered():
+ // Filters out events with location not matching the given type.
+ public static boolean filtered(Event event, String typeName) {
+ if (event instanceof Locatable) {
+ Location location = ((Locatable) event).location();
+ if (location != null) {
+ ReferenceType declaringType = location.declaringType();
+ if (declaringType != null && typeName.equals(declaringType.name())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
As I understand, it should filter out the events post on the JFR threads.
Please, correct me if I'm wrong.
My view is that we may want to get rid of the filtered(Event event) method and
convert all the tests to use the filtered(Event event, String typeName) instead.
Thank you a lot for taking care about these issues!
On 6/11/18 17:52, Daniil Titov wrote:
Please review the changes that fix failure of 6 JDI tests run with Graal.
The problem here is that currently the tests filter out only 2 specific JFR events (nsk.share.jdi.EventsFilter.filtered()) before analyzing them and fail if the received event doesn't match the expected one. But with Graal turned on new events generated by the compiler thread are occasionally found in the event queue and cause the tests failure. The fix makes the tests to use an additional check to filter out events not related to the debuggee class.
Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8203809
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dtitov/8203809/webrev.01
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