RFR: 8200204: SharedArchiveConfigFile cannot accept output of VM.stringtable

Yasumasa Suenaga yasuenag at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 13:21:45 UTC 2018

Hi Ioi,

> I think a proper fix should clarify which VERSION we are looking for.

I agree with you, but I cannot agree with new format because it is difficult to understand two different "VERSION" meanings.

IMHO, we can change the format as below:

1. Define same VERSION to all @SECTION. It is same of current behavior.
@SECTION: Symbol
....contents of "jcmd <pid> VM.symboltable -verbose" (**)
@SECTION: String
....contents of "jcmd <pid> VM.stringtable -verbose"(**)

2. Define same VERSION to all @SECTION except "String".
@SECTION: Symbol
....contents of "jcmd <pid> VM.symboltable -verbose" (**)
@SECTION: String
....contents of "jcmd <pid> VM.stringtable -verbose"(**)

3. Define VERSIONs in each @SECTIONs.
@SECTION: Symbol
....contents of "jcmd <pid> VM.symboltable -verbose" (**)
@SECTION: String
....contents of "jcmd <pid> VM.stringtable -verbose"(**)

How about this?


On 2018/03/26 13:39, Ioi Lam wrote:
> Hi Yasumasa,
> The word "VERSION" actually means different things in different places.
> That's the confusing part.
> "jcmd <pid> VM.stringtable -verbose" prints out the version of the
> "string listing".
> However,
> The VERSION in SharedArchiveConfigFile means the "version of the config
> file". The current version is 1.0. The format of this file is:
>   ??? VERSION: 1.0
>   ??? @SECTION: Symbol
>   ??? ....contents of "jcmd <pid> VM.symboltable -verbose" (**)
>   ??? @SECTION: String
>   ??? ....contents of "jcmd <pid> VM.stringtable -verbose"(**)
> (**) The first two lines of jcmd output (pid and VERSION) should be skipped.
> So the creation of the config file is somewhat manual -- you need to cut
> out the process id anyway (maybe we should add an option to jcmd to not
> print the process ID).
> I think a proper fix should clarify which VERSION we are looking for. We
> need a mechanism to ensure that the @SECTIONs for Symbol and String are
> in the correct format as expected by the JVM.
> How about changing the config file format to this:
>   ? ? VERSION: 1.1
>   ??? @SECTION: Symbol
>   ??? VERSION: 1.0
>   ??? ....contents of "jcmd <pid> VM.symboltable -verbose" (**)
>   ??? @SECTION: String
>   ??? VERSION: 1.1
>   ??? ....contents of "jcmd <pid> VM.stringtable -verbose" (**)
> So we have 3 kinds of VERSIONS - for the config file, for the symbol
> section, and for the string section.
> What do you think?
> Thanks
> - Ioi
> On 3/25/18 5:46 PM, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Please review this change.
>> ????? JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8200204
>> ?? webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ysuenaga/JDK-8200204/webrev.00/
>> submit-hs: mach5-one-ysuenaga-JDK-8200204-20180325-1440-16057
>> JDK-8134448 says SharedArchiveConfigFile accepts output of `jcmd <pid>
>> VM.stringtable -verbose` , but it could not because JDK-8059510 has
>> changed version number to 1.1 .
>> I think we should accept version 1.1 stringtable.
>> Thanks,
>> Yasumasa

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