[svc] RFR (L): 8010319: Implementation of JEP 181: Nest-Based Access Control

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Tue May 22 00:54:50 UTC 2018

On 22/05/2018 8:43 AM, mandy chung wrote:
> On 5/14/18 5:52 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>> This review is being spread across four groups: langtools, core-libs, 
>> hotspot and serviceability. This is the specific review thread for 
>> serviceability - webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dholmes/8010319-JEP181/webrev.serviceability.v1/ 
> Just a passing comment (I didn't review the change except this file):
> src/java.instrument/share/classes/java/lang/instrument/Instrumentation.java
> 228 * These restrictions maybe be lifted in future versions.
> 319 * These restrictions maybe be lifted in future versions. s/maybe 
> be/may be/ It's an existing typo but it'd be good to fix it. Mandy

Thanks Mandy - will do!


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