Inspect codebase for method/constructor usages
Pietro Paolini
Pietro.Paolini at
Thu May 31 09:25:22 UTC 2018
Hi all,
I apologise for any of you who has read the same question on compiler-dev, I've made a mistake as I reckon this is the right place for such a question, sorry for the double posting.
I would like to detect when a certain class's constructor is used and log its usage along with filename and line number somewhere, such as a log file or standard output, I can't use an IDE to do that as I am working on a fairly large codebase and I need to automate the process, moreover it seems like an interesting problem to solve.
I was hoping that could help me but I haven't spot anything as yet, even though I must admit that my knowledge on the matter is limited.
Pietro Paolini
e: pietro.paolini at | w:<>
t: +44 (0) 20 7920-2643 | Moor Place, 1 Fore Street Avenue, London, EC2Y 9DT, GB
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