RFR: 8204173: Lower the minimum number of heap memory pools in MemoryTest.java

Stefan Karlsson stefan.karlsson at oracle.com
Thu May 31 18:14:25 UTC 2018

On 2018-05-31 20:09, mandy chung wrote:
> On 5/31/18 10:36 AM, Stefan Karlsson wrote:
>> Hi Mandy,
>> On 2018-05-31 18:19, mandy chung wrote:
>>> Hi Stefan,
>>> This change looks okay.  Can you add a comment to describe the 
>>> expected memory pools for ZGC so that it explains why the min number 
>>> of heap memory pools is 1.
>>> I think this test and possibly other memory pool tests should be 
>>> re-examined and determine what proper verification should be done, 
>>> for example, expected heap memory pools for a specific GC.  It may 
>>> be worth to file a RFE to follow up.
>> What if I change the code like this:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~stefank/8204173/webrev.02/
>> and then later add a new MemoryTestZGC.sh test, that calls MemoryTest 
>> 1 1 and explains that ZGC has one memory manager and one heap memory 
>> pool
> HotSpot nightly testing used to rotate among different GC 
> configuration. MemoryTest.java would still fail if the test is running 
> with ZGC when the VM option is specified via jtreg -vmoption 
> configured for automated testing.  Do you need to concern that case?  
> If so, this version won't work.

Right. The ZGC patch has a @requires vm.gc != "Z" row in 
MemoryTest.java. MemoryTestAllGC.sh is already filtered with @requires 
vm.gc=="Parallel" | vm.gc=="null".
> It's okay with me to follow up this in a separate issue.  Maybe we 
> have to dynamically set up the expected values if there is a way to 
> determine which collector is running.



> Mandy

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