hprof format question

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at oracle.com
Fri Nov 2 13:38:26 UTC 2018

Hi Simon,

I can file a bug on BufferInputStream with a bit more information about 
how you are using it
or a failing test case. I was not able to reproduce it with a simple 
read of 1Mb buffers.

Thanks, Roger

On 11/01/2018 06:08 PM, Simon Roberts wrote:
> Oh, while on the topic of what I learned from this exercise, I also 
> believe I discovered a bug in BufferedInputStream (don't laugh!). It 
> fails catastrophically after reading 2GB (I think I can guess why 
> without even looking at the code :). Everything was reading properly 
> from an unadorned FileInputStream, but then I needed to look at the 
> byte sequence to work out what was happening with these broken parts, 
> and everything that was previously working went crazy when I stuck the 
> BIS on the front. I created a replacement so that I could actually 
> look at the failing bytes in a debugger. Hmm, the point of that 
> observation was to ask the off-topic question of one should report a 
> bug in a core API?
> Thanks again,
> Cheers,
> Simon

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