What actions are allowed in an JVMTI ResourceExhausted event handler?

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Wed Nov 14 06:44:45 UTC 2018

On 14/11/2018 4:38 pm, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 6:58 AM David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com> wrote:
>> On 14/11/2018 3:37 pm, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
>>> On Wed, Nov 14, 2018, 06:32 David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com
>>> <mailto:david.holmes at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>      Hi Thomas,
>>>      On 14/11/2018 6:50 am, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
>>>       > Hi all,
>>>       >
>>>       > We have a client using CloudFoundry and its "jvmkill" agent. That
>>>      is a
>>>       > tiny JVMTI agent (see https://github.com/cloudfoundry/jvmkill) which
>>>       > subscribes to the JVMTI ResourceExhausted Event. In the handler it
>>>       > then does call JVMTI FollowReferences() to produce a heap histogram.
>>>       >
>>>       > The thing is, at our client we seem to run out of Metaspace in a
>>>       > compiler thread. That thread normally would swallow the Metaspace OOM
>>>       > and just bailout from the compilation. But as part of the metaspace
>>>       > OOME handling the ResourceExhausted event gets posted, the handler
>>>       > then uses JVMTI FollowReferences() and attempts to print out the heap
>>>       > histogram, then runs into a guarantee since the compiler thread
>>>      cannot
>>>       > call java methods.
>>>       >
>>>       > My question is: are there any limitations about what one can do
>>>      inside
>>>       > a ResourceExhausted event handler?
>>>      Not specified no. But the reality of JVM TI is that you can't
>>>      anticipate
>>>      every execution context and there are times when there are implicit
>>>      constraints imposed by the implementation.
>>>      In this case I think we have a mismatch between the fact we post the
>>>      event from the compiler thread, but that a compiler thread is not a
>>>      true
>>>      "Java thread" and so can not execute arbitrary JNI or JVM TI code,
>>>      or in
>>>      particular can not lead to executing Java code. I think we should
>>>      not be
>>>      posting the event from the compiler thread in this case.
>>>      Cheers,
>>>      David
>>> Hi David,
>>> Yes I thought so too. I'll prepare a fix.
>> My thought on the fix is that we need to check if
>> Thread::current()->can_call_java(). And that should probably be inside
>> the JvmtiExport::should_post_xxx implementation.
> I wonder whether that may be too harsh. JVMTI agents may not
> necessarily call into java as reaction to ResourceExhausted. I would
> have limited this to !CompilerThread, and only in Metaspace.
> Also, looking at CompilerThread::can_call_java(), I see that we return
> true for jvmci compilers. Still do we want to post it there?
> But I am not sure. What do you think?

The JVM TI spec is really only aware of "Java threads", though it does 
allow for an implementation specific thread to be used in places. So 
posting events from a thread that may not be able to execute 
JNI/JVM-TI/Java code successfully seems a very risky proposition. So I'd 
say "don't do that".

But if we want to deal only with the callsite in question there are 
various ugly hacks we could put in there.

But the basic constraint is the ability to run Java code. JVMCI compiler 
threads can run Java code so we don't need to exclude them unnecessarily 
- hence the check for can_call_Java().


>> Cheers,
>> David
>>> Thanks, Thomas
>>>       > I checked the
>>>      https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/platform/jvmti/jvmti.html
>>>       > documentation, but I cannot find any mentioning of limitations in
>>>      that
>>>       > case.
>>>       >
>>>       > Thanks and Best Regards, Thomas
>>>       >

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