RFR(xs): 8213834: JVMTI ResourceExhausted should not be posted in CompilerThread

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at oracle.com
Wed Nov 14 23:28:11 UTC 2018

On 11/14/18 6:01 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> On 15/11/2018 6:13 am, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>> I do not have a better idea at the moment.
>> The ResourceExhausted event is one of many JVM/TI events. So we put in a
>> special case for this event because an agent out in the world tries 
>> to do
>> something that is not expressly forbidden by the spec, but it is a bad
>> thing to do with HotSpot. Okay. What about the next event? What about
>> the next agent? Once you've added a special case, where do you stop?
> I had proposed more broadly not posting any events in threads that can 
> not run Java but that is potentially more damaging to existing agents 
> that just happen to work in the compiler thread today.
> But it goes beyond just running Java. Can these other threads make JNI 
> calls, or other JVM TI calls? If they can run Java they can do all 
> those things. If they can't run Java they may not be able to.
> There is no perfect solution here because JVM TI allows too much 
> freedom. It doesn't put any constraints on the threads that can 
> execute callbacks, and has very few constraints on what callbacks can 
> be executed when.
> On the other hand an implementation has complete freedom as to when 
> exactly resource exhaustion events get posted. Does it make sense for 
> an internal VM thread to post this ResourceExhausted event? Is it just 
> an accident of implementation that the code path decided to throw OOME 
> and so also posts the event? You can easily imagine this code not 
> doing that - and as Thomas points out the compiler thread swallows the 
> exception anyway!
> As there is no way to know what an agent may do ahead of time we are 
> faced with either:
> - breaking some agents and crashing the VM; or
> - masking an event
> I vote for no breakage.

I would have no problem suppressing the event from a "hidden" thread
because those threads intentionally try to hide from JVM/TI. That would
cover the case for the C1 and C2 CompilerThreads, but I don't know
about these newer JVM/CI Compiler threads that actually run Java code...


> Cheers,
> David
>> Dan
>> On 11/14/18 2:59 PM, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
>>> Hi Dan,
>>> On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 8:32 PM Daniel D. Daugherty
>>> <daniel.daugherty at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>> I have a philosophical problem with a fix like this.
>>>> The fix is making the assumption that the handler for this event 
>>>> will want
>>>> to run Java code and if the event is posted from a Java thread that 
>>>> cannot
>>>> run Java code, then we skip posting the event.
>>>> If I happen to have a more conservative agent that does not run 
>>>> Java code
>>>> in its handlers, then my agent won't receive this event even though it
>>>> should not cause my agent any problems. That might be an unexpected 
>>>> change
>>>> in behavior on the part of my agent.
>>>> Dan
>>> I was thinking about that too. In fact, the JVMTI agent I am trying to
>>> add this fix for exists in two variants. The base form,
>>> airlift/jvmkill, just does a plain kill(2). So not problem there. Only
>>> the forked version by cloudfoundry/jvmkill do this fancy stuff. (Note
>>> that both projects are on github, if you care to look them up. They
>>> are not by me. I am just using them).
>>> But the problem is, the JVMTI spec says nothing about what you can or
>>> cannot do in reaction to a ResourceExhausted event. So what
>>> cloudfoundry/jvmkill does is valid and not forbidden.
>>> Therefore I think suppressing ResourceExhausted in this case is the
>>> only choice we have. One might fine-tune the conditions under which we
>>> suppress sending ResourceExhausted: maybe suppress for
>>> CompilerThreads, or only  for CompilerThreads getting MetaspaceOOMs...
>>> But I think we should do something here. By neglecting to add
>>> restrictions to the JVMTI spec, we encouraged JVMTI agents to do these
>>> kind of things. The least we can do is minimize the damage.
>>> And then, usually this will not be the last opportunity for
>>> ResourceExhausted to be posted, no? Chances are high that there will
>>> be more OOMs following, in real java threads.
>>> Finally, I find swallowing the ResourceExhausted for compiler threads
>>> is symmetric to the way the compiler thread swallows the OOME itself.
>>> They do not report the OOME but ignore and clear it.
>>> But as you can see, I see your point. Do you have a better proposal?
>>> ..Thomas
>>>> On 11/14/18 10:06 AM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>>> Adding serviceability-dev at ...
>>>>> Since the proposed solution to the bug is to not post an event, I 
>>>>> think
>>>>> the Serviceability Team (which owns JVM/TI) needs to be involved 
>>>>> directly
>>>>> in the review.
>>>>> Dan
>>>>> On 11/14/18 9:28 AM, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>> may I please have reviews on this small patch. Note that this is
>>>>>> borderline serviceability. I try to avoid crossposting, but if you
>>>>>> think this should be looked at by serviceability feel free to 
>>>>>> forward
>>>>>> it there.
>>>>>> Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8213834
>>>>>> CR:
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~stuefe/webrevs/8213834-jvmti-reourceexhausted-shall-not-be-posted-from-compiler-thread/webrev.00/webrev/ 
>>>>>> Short description: we may post ResourceExhausted from Compiler
>>>>>> threads. Handlers of this event may call back into the JVM, which 
>>>>>> may
>>>>>> cause problems since we run in the compiler thread. The proposed
>>>>>> solution is not to post the event in that case.
>>>>>> See previous discussion here:
>>>>>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/serviceability-dev/2018-November/025898.html 
>>>>>> Thanks, Thomas

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