JNI - question about jmethodid values.
dean.long at oracle.com
dean.long at oracle.com
Mon Nov 26 21:44:37 UTC 2018
Doesn't the spec say it's the caller's responsibility to keep the class
from being unloaded?
A field or method ID does not prevent the VM from unloading the class
from which the ID has been derived. After the class is unloaded, the
method or field ID becomes invalid. The native code, therefore, must
make sure to:
* keep a live reference to the underlying class, or
* recompute the method or field ID
if it intends to use a method or field ID for an extended period of time.
The JNI does not impose any restrictions on how field and method IDs are
implemented internally.
however, then the JVMTI spec has errors like
that seem to imply that the JVM can (or must?) detect an invalid methodid.
On 11/26/18 11:33 AM, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
> Hey JC,
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 8:15 PM JC Beyler <jcbeyler at google.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just added my two cents on one comment:
>> On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 5:00 AM Thomas Stüfe <thomas.stuefe at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Peter,
>>> On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 1:02 PM Peter Hull <peterhull90 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Thomas,
>>>> Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. For your
>>>> information, the relevant NetBeans bug is
>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-1428
>>>> On Sat, Nov 24, 2018 at 3:41 PM Thomas Stüfe <thomas.stuefe at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> A jmethodid is a pointer to malloc'ed memory.
>>>> OK. Just in case I haven't understood it - does this mean a jmethodid,
>>>> once 'created', won't change (after garbage collection or whatever)?
>>> yes. It lives on, unchanged, forever. Even if the associated class is
>>> unloaded. That must be since outside JNI/JVMTI code may call in with
>>> outdated jmethodids which we must be able to handle gracefully.
>> This is the current design and most likely will remain for quite a bit but it is not defined by the SPEC to be like this so, in essence, it is an implementation detail that could be not true in future releases ;-)
> I politely disagree :)
> JNI spec says that you have a function like this:
> jmethodID GetMethodID(..)
> returning a jmethodid which you can then use in subsequent JNI
> functions. These functions are required to behave in a predictable way
> if the jmethodid has gotten invalid. The spec has no way to inform the
> caller if a jmethodid has gotten invalid by class unloading. Since the
> jmethodid is handed up to the caller and stored by him, there is no
> way to change its value on the fly either.
> So even though the spec does not specifically say that jmethodid lives
> forever, it is laid out in a way that prevents jmethodids from ever
> becoming invalid, and from changing their numerical value. This can of
> course change, but not without changing the JNI spec.
> I think my point is that Peter can rely on this behavior without fear
> that it will change in the future without him noticing. Before this
> behavior changes, the JNI spec would have to change.
> Cheers, Thomas
>> Thanks,
>> Jc
>>>>> But it is not guaranteed to work. I would probably rather use a
>>>>> hashmap or similar.
>>>> I need to look at the implications on more detail but think it would
>>>> make sense to use long/jlong instead of int/jint on all platforms; the
>>>> extra memory use shouldn't be a problem. I think the IDs are just
>>>> stored on the Java side and used to get the method name and signature
>>>> later. That should be a loss-free cast, shouldn't it?
>>> Sure.
>>>>> If this is
>>>>> true, this 4x30bit assumption may actually have worked before jdk8,
>>>>> since the java heap is allocated as one continuous space, with the
>>>>> PermGen clustered in one part of it.
>>>> Indeed we did only start to get crashes on JDK9 and later (only
>>>> observed on Windows, macOS seems OK and other platforms have not been
>>>> tested)
>>>> Yours sincerely,
>>>> Peter
>>> Cheers, Thomas
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Jc
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