Probable bug within

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at
Wed Oct 17 17:50:28 UTC 2018

Hi Sven,

This NetBeans SamplesOutputStream calls
which is an internal API.  It will be inaccessible when
strong encapsulation is enabled.

Have you looked into API to get the
CompositeData directly?


On 10/15/18 10:51 AM, Mandy Chung wrote:
> Hi Sven,
> It's indeed a bug in the order of names and values when constructing 
> CompositeData for StackTraceElement.  I created 
> for this issue.
> Mandy
> On 10/14/18 3:52 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>> Hi Sven,
>> Moving to serviceability-dev mailing list. Please don't reply to 
>> jdk-dev.
>> Thanks,
>> David
>> On 15/10/2018 5:42 AM, Sven Reimers wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I hope this is the correct e-mailing list. During out testing of Apache
>>> NetBeans 10 we discovered a problem with self sampling capability of
>>> NetBeans. Digging further into this problem (NETBEANS-1359
>>> <>) I debugged 
>>> through
>>> the code and it seems that there is a problem with the order of the 
>>> values
>>> and the order of the attributes.
>>>  From the code I see the order of the values is
>>>          final Object[] stackTraceElementItemValues = {
>>>              ste.getClassLoaderName(),
>>>              ste.getModuleName(),
>>>              ste.getModuleVersion(),
>>>              ste.getClassName(),
>>>              ste.getMethodName(),
>>>              ste.getFileName(),
>>>              ste.getLineNumber(),
>>>              ste.isNativeMethod(),
>>>          };
>>> compared to  the order of the attributes
>>>      private static final String[] V5_ATTRIBUTES = {
>>>          CLASS_NAME,
>>>          METHOD_NAME,
>>>          FILE_NAME,
>>>          LINE_NUMBER,
>>>          NATIVE_METHOD,
>>>      };
>>>      private static final String[] V9_ATTRIBUTES = {
>>>          CLASS_LOADER_NAME,
>>>          MODULE_NAME,
>>>          MODULE_VERSION,
>>>      };
>>>      private static final String[] STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTES =
>>>          Stream.of(V5_ATTRIBUTES, 
>>> V9_ATTRIBUTES).flatMap(Arrays::stream)
>>>                .toArray(String[]::new);
>>> which can be expanded to
>>>          CLASS_NAME,
>>>          METHOD_NAME,
>>>          FILE_NAME,
>>>          LINE_NUMBER,
>>>          NATIVE_METHOD,
>>>          CLASS_LOADER_NAME,
>>>          MODULE_NAME,
>>>          MODULE_VERSION,
>>> With the difference in ordering you will get an exception  in
>>> CompositeDataSupport, if you try to convert things (lines 228ff)
>>>          // Check each value, if not null, is of the open type 
>>> defined for
>>> the
>>>          // corresponding item
>>>          for (String name : namesFromType) {
>>>              Object value = items.get(name);
>>>              if (value != null) {
>>>                  OpenType<?> itemType = compositeType.getType(name);
>>>                  if (!itemType.isValue(value)) {
>>>                      throw new OpenDataException(
>>>                              "Argument value of wrong type for item 
>>> " + name
>>> +
>>>                              ": value " + value + ", type " + 
>>> itemType);
>>>                  }
>>>              }
>>>          }
>>> which is hard to compensate from the caller side.
>>> I think the change, which introduced this was
>>> The proposed patch seems simple, just change the ordering of the 
>>> attributes
>>>    private static final String[] STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTES =
>>>          Stream.of(V9_ATTRIBUTES, 
>>> V5_ATTRIBUTES).flatMap(Arrays::stream)
>>>                .toArray(String[]::new);
>>> or change the value ordering to fit the attributes order.
>>> Can anyone confirm the analysis?
>>> Thanks
>>> -Sven

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