Is it possible to resurrect sa-jdi?

Bernd Eckenfels ecki at
Wed Sep 5 17:22:31 UTC 2018

I thought by providing jhsdb launcher the usage of dump based analysis became more prominent, so those attach mechanisms are not going away, right?


Von: -800456320m Auftrag von
Gesendet: Mittwoch, September 5, 2018 1:17 PM
An: Egor Ushakov; serviceability-dev at
Betreff: Re: Is it possible to resurrect sa-jdi?

On 05/09/2018 11:25, Egor Ushakov wrote:
> Hi,
> suddenly at Jetbrains we realized that sa pid attach may be useful.
> Unfortunately sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi* was removed in jdk 9.
> We would like to resurrect sa-jdi in our jdk fork. As I can see the
> agent is still there, so it should be feasible.
> Do you see any issues with that? Should we go in that direction or is
> it a dead end?
There were discussions here in 2016 (and I think further back) about
SA-JDI and whether it was actually used. I don't recall anyone
responding or objecting at the time, probably because most developers
would never attach a java debugger to a core file or hung VM. Have you
seen significant usage from IntelliJ users? Are these users diagnosing
VM crashes or other JDK bugs?

As regards creating your own JDI connectors and transport then it should
be feasible but it would rely on an undocumented and non-exported API.
You would need to compile and run with --add-exports option to export
the packages to whatever module contains the connectors for example.


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