RFR (S) 8210512: vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/ObjectReference/referringObjects/referringObjects002/referringObjects002.java fails with unexpected size of ClassLoaderReference.referringObjects
David Holmes
david.holmes at oracle.com
Mon Sep 10 21:25:27 UTC 2018
Hi Dean,
I'm withdrawing this RFR and changing to a test-bug.
Thanks for the pointer to the anonymous class code.
On 11/09/2018 3:33 AM, dean.long at oracle.com wrote:
> On 9/10/18 1:40 AM, David Holmes wrote:
>> Hi Dean,
>> On 10/09/2018 5:31 PM, dean.long at oracle.com wrote:
>>> Hi David. If a class references its own fields or methods, and that
>>> code is executed by the interpreter, then we should expect that
>>> constant pool entry to be resolved, shouldn't we?
>> Yes
>>> Likewise the compiler will treat it as resolved. If we treat is as
>>> unresolved, we run into the case where we executed compiled code for
>>> a method that would have resolved the constant pool entry, but JVMTI
>>> says we didn't.
>> I don't think the this_klass reference necessarily falls under that
>> categorization though. In an empty class (as used in the test case)
>> there's no bytecode that references any CP index for the current
>> class. It's simply an artifact of the classfile format.
>>> Isn't the test in error for assuming no eager resolution?
>> Hmmm. Yes I suppose that is right. If we did eager resolution then
>> even the this_klass CP entry would have been resolved and the test
>> would have then encountered it from day one.
>> What bothers me is the self-referential nature of this ... and the
>> obscurity of it. I don't think anyone looking at the various heap
>> reference API's would think about a reference-to-self.
> Maybe for an empty class, but in general I would expect self references
> to be considered.
>>> By the way, it looks like we always eagerly resolve this_class for
>>> unsafe-anonymous classes.
>> Can you point me at that code please?
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/file/4e99f412148f/src/hotspot/share/classfile/classFileParser.cpp#l5594
> dl
>> Thanks,
>> David
>>> dl
>>> On 9/9/18 10:51 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8210512
>>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dholmes/8210512/webrev/
>>>> After the fix for JDK-8209361 where we modified JVM-TI to treat an
>>>> unresolved CP klass entry to a loaded klass as a resolved CP entry,
>>>> the listed test starting failing due to finding an extra reference
>>>> to the test class. As outlined in the bug report this extra reference:
>>>> 17: instance of java.lang.Class(reflected
>>>> class=nsk.share.jdi.TestClass1, id=792)
>>>> actually comes from the class itself. Every classfile has a
>>>> self-referential entry in the constant pool (this_klass in JVMS 4.1)
>>>> and that is what we were encountering here.
>>>> I would argue that such an unresolved reference from a class to
>>>> itself should never be treated as a "real" reference from a JVM TI
>>>> perspective, and so we ship skip it - which is what the fix does:
>>>> - if (klass == NULL) {
>>>> + if (klass == NULL || klass == ik) {
>>>> continue;
>>>> Testing: the test concerned
>>>> joatc testing of test that failed in 8209361 (TBD)
>>>> mach5 tiers 1-3 (TBD)
>>>> jvmti (TBD)
>>>> As noted testing is still TBD other then actual test but there are
>>>> technical delays with that so I'll get the RFR out anyway.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> David
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