RFR JDK-8210760: [TEST] rewrite com/sun/jdi shell tests to java version - step4

Chris Plummer chris.plummer at oracle.com
Sat Sep 15 01:09:45 UTC 2018

Hmm. I thought that's what the original bug was addressing.

   27  * @summary TTY: Need to clear source cache after doing a redefine 


On 9/14/18 4:37 PM, Alex Menkov wrote:
> Looks like only line numbers are reported correctly, but the content 
> of the line content if not correct :)
> [jdb] Breakpoint hit: "thread=main", RedefineTTYLineNumberTarg.A(), 
> line=47 bci=0
> [jdb] 47            System.out.println("in A, about to call B");
> [jdb]
> [jdb] main[1]
> [jdb] Breakpoint hit: "thread=main", RedefineTTYLineNumberTarg.A(), 
> line=46 bci=0
> [jdb] 46        public void A() {
> [jdb]
> [jdb] main[1]
> "public void A()" is a line 46 in the original file
> --alex
> On 09/14/2018 15:32, Chris Plummer wrote:
>> I think checking the output after the second breakpoint would be a 
>> good idea. However, rather than checking the line number, maybe just 
>> check the contents of the line, which should be included in the 
>> breakpoint event output.
>> Chris
>> On 9/14/18 3:23 PM, Alex Menkov wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> The file history does not contain any info about line number 
>>> dependency.
>>> I'll remove "11 before, 10 afterward" comment.
>>> Actually the test is not clear to me.
>>> Accordingly the test description jdb report obsolete line number in 
>>> the case, but the test does not verify its correctness, but just 
>>> checks _debuggee_ (not jdb) output for absence of "Internal exception".
>>> The original bug is ancient, so it's hard to say if the test is 
>>> correct or not.
>>> I can add extra testing - extract reported line numbers (by using 
>>> regexp "line=(\d+)\b") and verify that 2st breakpoint is reported 
>>> with the expected line number (1 less than line of the 1st breakpoint).
>>> Thoughts?
>>> --alex
>>> On 09/14/2018 14:27, Chris Plummer wrote:
>>>> Hi Alex,
>>>> Just one issue I see. For RedefineTTYLineNumber.java, the original 
>>>> test used to have this comment, which your removed:
>>>>    52   // line number sensitive!!! Next line must be line 10.
>>>> It's not clear to me why this test was ever line number sensitive, 
>>>> and whether you removed this sensitivity, or it just never existed. 
>>>> In any case, you left in the following comment, which maybe should 
>>>> also be removed:
>>>>    47         System.out.println("in A, about to call B"); // 11 
>>>> before, 10 afterward
>>>> Also, the println output from A() does not seem to match what the 
>>>> test is doing. There is no call to B():
>>>>    46     public void A() {
>>>>    47         System.out.println("in A, about to call B"); // 11 
>>>> before, 10 afterward
>>>>    48         System.out.println("out from B");
>>>>    49     }
>>>> Maybe that's some bit rot. My understanding of the point of the 
>>>> test is while at the breakpoint at the start of A(), a redefine is 
>>>> done that deletes a line above this point, and jdi needs to make 
>>>> the appropriate adjustment of the current breakpoint line number. 
>>>> So calling B() does not play a roll in this, but perhaps it did a 
>>>> one point but the call was removed.
>>>> Also, I don't see any indication of line number sensitivity here, 
>>>> but once again, maybe this is a bit rot issue and at one point it 
>>>> was line number sensitive.
>>>> thanks,
>>>> Chris
>>>> On 9/14/18 12:59 PM, Alex Menkov wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> please review fix for
>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8210760
>>>>> webrev:
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amenkov/sh2java/step4/webrev.01/
>>>>> --alex

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