Providing users with thread type

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Fri Apr 19 14:01:46 UTC 2019

On 19/04/2019 00:12, David Holmes wrote:
> I think it would be difficult to put something like this in JVM TI 
> given that the use of threads within the JVM are purely an 
> implementation detail and not standardized in any way. And many of 
> those threads are hidden from JVM TI anyway.
> The names of threads are the normal way to see what "type" of thread 
> you're dealing with.
Right, JVM TI only deals with "Java threads" (jthread object) and has no 
knowledge about other threads. It might be possible to use its extension 
mechanism to provide information about other threads but it wouldn't be 
interoperable with anything that use jtherad objects.


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