RFR: 8222821: com/sun/jdi/ExceptionEvents.java failed

dean.long at oracle.com dean.long at oracle.com
Fri Apr 26 01:42:32 UTC 2019

Looks good.


On 4/25/19 6:33 PM, Daniil Titov wrote:
> Please review the change that fixes an intermittent failure of the test when running with Graal on.
> The test creates exception requests for different kinds of exceptions and errors, starts the debuggee that throws an exception, and listens for exception events. If the number of received exception events is not equal to 1 the test fails. For the case when the exception request is created for java.lang.Error class  the test intermittently fails if Graal is on. It happens because, sometimes, in addition to StackOverflowError thrown by the test itself, jdk.vm.ci.common.JVMCIError is thrown from method getField() in class jdk.vm.ci.hotspot .HotSpotVMConfigAccess at line 252 (src/jdk.internal.vm.ci/share/classes/jdk.vm.ci.hotspot/src/jdk/vm/ci/hotspot/HotSpotVMConfigAccess.java)
> 240	    private VMField getField(String name, String cppType, boolean required) {
>     241	        VMField entry = store.vmFields.get(name);
>     242	        if (entry == null) {
>     243	            if (!required) {
>     244	                return null;
>     245	            }
>     246	            store.printConfig();
>     247	            throw new JVMCIError("expected VM field not found in " + store + ": " + name);
>     248	        }
>     249	
>     250	        // Make sure the native type is still the type we expect.
>     251	        if (cppType != null && !cppType.equals(entry.type)) {
>     252	            throw new JVMCIError("expected type " + cppType + " but VM field " + name + " is of type " + entry.type);
>     253	        }
>     254	        return entry;
>     255	    }
> that in one case is caught at line 412 in src/jdk.internal.vm.compiler/share/classes/org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot/src/org/graalvm/compiler/hotspot/GraalHotSpotVMConfig.java
>     404	    public final int pendingFailedSpeculationOffset;
>     405	    {
>     406	        String name = "JavaThread::_pending_failed_speculation";
>     407	        int offset = -1;
>     408	        try {
>     409	            offset = getFieldOffset(name, Integer.class, "jlong");
>     410	        } catch (JVMCIError e) {
>     411	            try {
>     412	                offset = getFieldOffset(name, Integer.class, "long");
>     413	            } catch (JVMCIError e2) {
>     414	            }
>     415	        }
>     416	        if (offset == -1) {
>     417	            throw new JVMCIError("cannot get offset of field " + name + " with type long or jlong");
>     418	        }
>     419	        pendingFailedSpeculationOffset = offset;
>     420	    }
> and in other case at line 229 in the same class (src/jdk.internal.vm.compiler/share/classes/org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot/src/org/graalvm/compiler/hotspot/GraalHotSpotVMConfig.java)
> 221	    public final int classMirrorOffset;
>     222	    {
>     223	        String name = "Klass::_java_mirror";
>     224	        int offset = -1;
>     225	        boolean isHandle = false;
>     226	        try {
>     227	            offset = getFieldOffset(name, Integer.class, "oop");
>     228	        } catch (JVMCIError e) {
>     229	
>     230	        }
>     231	        if (offset == -1) {
>     232	            try {
>     233	                offset = getFieldOffset(name, Integer.class, "jobject");
>     234	                isHandle = true;
>     235	            } catch (JVMCIError e) {
>     236	                try {
>     237	                    // JDK-8186777
>     238	                    offset = getFieldOffset(name, Integer.class, "OopHandle");
>     239	                    isHandle = true;
>     240	                } catch (JVMCIError e2) {
>     241	                }
>     242	            }
>     243	        }
>     244	        if (offset == -1) {
>     245	            throw new JVMCIError("cannot get offset of field " + name + " with type oop, jobject or OopHandle");
>     246	        }
>     247	        classMirrorOffset = offset;
>     248	        classMirrorIsHandle = isHandle;
>     249	    }
> That results in the number of received exception events exceeds 1 and the test fails.
> To ignore these unexpected events the fix adds "jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.*"  class exclusion filter when it creates an exception request.
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dtitov/8222821/webrev.01/
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8222821
> Thanks!
> -Daniil

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