RFR: JDK-8228547: accessibility errors in jvmti.html

serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
Tue Aug 20 23:48:29 UTC 2019

Hi Alex,

It still looks good to me.


On 8/20/19 2:26 PM, Alex Menkov wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Thanks for review.
> Once I noticed that "Phase/Callback Safe/Position/Since" and 
> "Phase/Event Type/Number/Enabling/Since" tables are a bit wider I 
> cannot "unnotice" it back :)
> Bordered div's (without width specified) and bordered tables (with 
> width=100%) have the same width, but div with "display: table" and 
> "width: 100%" (we need it because otherwise it behaves like a table 
> and does't fill whole width) is 2px wider and this is consistent in 
> different browsers (firefox/chrome/IE). I tried different properties, 
> but was not able to remove this difference.
> So I introduced workaround - one more div with right margin 2px.
> Also fixed vertical alignment for the same pseudo-tables.
> webrev (full):
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amenkov/jdk14/jvmti_html_accessibility/webrev.2/ 
> webrev (vs prev. version):
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amenkov/jdk14/jvmti_html_accessibility/webrev2_1/ 
> generated jvmti.html:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amenkov/jdk14/jvmti_html_accessibility/2/jvmti.html 
> --alex
> On 08/17/2019 22:55, David Holmes wrote:
>> Hi JC,
>> On 18/08/2019 2:15 pm, Jean Christophe Beyler wrote:
>>> Hi Alex,
>>> Looks good to me as well. What is surprising (or maybe not) is the 
>>> slight changes that you do see. The vertical alignment is off for 
>>> the Position / Since columns it seems (it used to be vertically 
>>> centered and no longer; see the "Allocate" table for example).
>> FWIW I don't observe any differences in that aspect of the tables 
>> (Firefox on Windows 7). The only visual difference I see is that the 
>> table lines seem thicker.
>>> And the same table seems a bit wider on my machine than the other 
>>> tables:
>>>    - The Phase/Callback Safe/Position/Since table seems a few pixels 
>>> wider than the Capabilities one for example.
>> I see that too. To me it appears to be because there is an extra 
>> column in the phase/callback/position/Since table and the extra line 
>> thickness then makes the overall table wider.
>> Cheers,
>> David
>>> But these are really small details on my machine that I think we are 
>>> fine, so looks good to me too :)
>>> Jc
>>> On Sat, Aug 17, 2019 at 12:05 AM David Holmes 
>>> <david.holmes at oracle.com <mailto:david.holmes at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>>     Hi Alex,
>>>     Visually this appeared fine to me, so as long as the accessibility
>>>     checking tool is happy then changes seem good.
>>>     Thanks,
>>>     David
>>>     On 17/08/2019 9:46 am, Alex Menkov wrote:
>>>      > Hi all,
>>>      >
>>>      > Please review the change that fixes accessibility issues in
>>>     generated
>>>      > jvmti.html
>>>      >
>>>      > There are 2 "general" accessibility issues ("content outside 
>>> of a
>>>      > region") - fixed by replacing <div role="banner"> with <header>
>>>     and <div
>>>      > role="main"> with <main>
>>>      > and huge number (5200+) of table issues:
>>>      > - no row or column header for cells;
>>>      > - table has only one column or row.
>>>      > Most of the tables was updated to have row and column headers,
>>>      > the tables which does not contain table data (like 
>>> "Phase/Callback
>>>      > Safe/Position/Since" block for functions) were converted to use
>>>     <div>s.
>>>      > All table headers/descriptions were converted to <caption>.
>>>      > All cases when tables can has only one row/column are handled by
>>>     xsl (if
>>>      > there is no data for the table, <div>s are used).
>>>      >
>>>      > jira: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8228547
>>>      >
>>>      > webrev:
>>>      >
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amenkov/jdk14/jvmti_html_accessibility/webrev/ 
>>>      >
>>>      > generated doc:
>>>      > - old:
>>>      >
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amenkov/jdk14/jvmti_html_accessibility/0/jvmti.html 
>>>      >
>>>      > - new:
>>>      >
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amenkov/jdk14/jvmti_html_accessibility/1/jvmti.html 
>>>      >
>>>      >
>>>      > Visually there are minimal changes (checked in Firefox, 
>>> Chrome, IE)
>>>      >
>>>      > specdiff:
>>>      >
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amenkov/jdk14/jvmti_html_accessibility/spectdiff/diff.html 
>>>      >
>>>      >
>>>      > --alex
>>> -- 
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jc

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