RFR (M) 8212160: JVMTI agent crashes with "assert(_value != 0LL) failed: resolving NULL _value"

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Tue Dec 3 04:52:28 UTC 2019

Hi Coleen,

On 3/12/2019 12:43 am, coleen.phillimore at oracle.com wrote:
> On 11/26/19 7:03 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>> (adding runtime as well)
>> Hi Coleen,
>> On 27/11/2019 12:22 am, coleen.phillimore at oracle.com wrote:
>>> Summary: Add local deferred event list to thread to post events 
>>> outside CodeCache_lock.
>>> This patch builds on the patch for JDK-8173361.  With this patch, I 
>>> made the JvmtiDeferredEventQueue an instance class (not AllStatic) 
>>> and have one per thread.  The CodeBlob event that used to drop the 
>>> CodeCache_lock and raced with the sweeper thread, adds the events it 
>>> wants to post to its thread local list, and processes it outside the 
>>> lock.  The list is walked in GC and by the sweeper to keep the 
>>> nmethods from being unloaded and zombied, respectively.
>> Sorry I don't understand why we would want/need a deferred event queue 
>> for every JavaThread? Isn't this only relevant for non-JavaThreads 
>> that need to have the ServiceThread process the deferred event?
> I thought I'd written this in the bug but I had only discussed this with 
> Erik.  I've added a comment to the bug to explain why I added the 
> per-JavaThread queue.  In order to process these events after the 
> CodeCache_lock is dropped, I have to queue them somewhere safe. The 
> ServiceThread queue is safe, *but* the ServiceThread can't keep up with 
> the events, especially from this test case.  So the test case gets a 
> native OOM.
> So I've added the safe queue as a field to each JavaThread because 
> multiple JavaThreads could be posting these events at the same time, and 
> there didn't seem to be a better safe place to cache them, without 
> adding another layer of queuing code.

I think I'm getting the picture now. At the time the events are 
generated we can't post them directly because the current thread is 
inside compiler code. Hence the events must be deferred. Using the 
ServiceThread to handle the deferred events is one way to deal with this 
- but it can't keep up in this scenario. So instead we store the events 
in the current thread and when the current thread returns to code where 
it is safe to post the events, it does so itself. Is that generally correct?

I admit I'm not keen on adding this additional field per-thread just for 
a temporary usage. Some kind of stack allocated helper would be 
preferable, but would need to be passed through the call chain so that 
the events could be added to it.

Also I'm not clear why we aggressively delete the _jvmti_event_queue 
after posting the events. I'd be worried about the overhead we are 
introducing for creating and deleting this queue. When the 
JvmtiDeferredEventQueue data structure was intended only for use by the 
ServiceThread its dynamic node allocation may have made more sense. But 
now that seems like a liability to me - if JvmtiDeferredEvents could be 
linked directly we wouldn't need dynamic nodes, nor dynamic per-thread 
queues (just a per-thread pointer).

Just some thoughts.


> I did write comments to this effect here:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~coleenp/2019/8212160.01/webrev/src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmtiCodeBlobEvents.cpp.udiff.html 
> Thanks,
> Coleen
>> David
>>> Also, the jmethod_id field in nmethod was only used as a boolean so 
>>> don't create a jmethod_id until needed for post_compiled_method_unload.
>>> Ran hs tier1-8 on linux-x64-debug and the stress test that crashed in 
>>> the original bug report.
>>> open webrev at 
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~coleenp/2019/8212160.01/webrev
>>> bug link https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8212160
>>> Thanks,
>>> Coleen

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