RFR (M) 8212160: JVMTI agent crashes with "assert(_value != 0LL) failed: resolving NULL _value"

coleen.phillimore at oracle.com coleen.phillimore at oracle.com
Thu Dec 5 19:15:28 UTC 2019

On 12/5/19 1:41 PM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
> On 12/5/19 10:36, coleen.phillimore at oracle.com wrote:
>> On 12/5/19 11:00 AM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>> Hi Collen,
>>> Thank you for making this update!
>>> It looks good to me.
>>> One nit:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~coleenp/2019/8212160.03/webrev/test/hotspot/jtreg/serviceability/jvmti/CompiledMethodLoad/libCompiledZombie.cpp.html
>>>   46 // Continuously generate CompiledMethodLoad events for all 
>>> currently compiled methods
>>>   47 void JNICALL GenerateEventsThread(jvmtiEnv* jvmti, JNIEnv* jni, 
>>> void* arg) {
>>>   48     jvmti->SetEventNotificationMode(JVMTI_ENABLE, 
>>>   49     int count = 0;
>>>   50
>>>   51     while (true) {
>>>   52         events = 0;
>>>   53 jvmti->GenerateEvents(JVMTI_EVENT_COMPILED_METHOD_LOAD);
>>>   54         if (events != 0 && ++count == 200) {
>>>   55             printf("Generated %d events\n", events);
>>>   56             count = 0;
>>>   57         }
>>>   58     }
>>>   59 }
>>>   The above can be simplified a little bit:
>>>           if (events % 200 == 199) {
>>>               printf("Generated %d events\n", events);
>>>           }
>>>   Then this line is not needed too:
>>>     49     int count = 0;
>> I answered this too fast.  There are two conditions where I want this 
>> to not print.  First is where events == 0 and the other for every 200 
>> events that are non-zero.
>> I could use if (events != 0 && count++ % 200), but I thought what I 
>> had makes more sense and I don't have to worry about when ++ happens.
> Then you could replace it with:
>   if (events % 200 == 0) {

But that would still print when events == 0, which I don't want. If I 
print them all for the little test case, it's ok, but when I run this 
with Swingset2, it's too much output.  I only want to see a few lines 
for this:

Test passes if it doesn't crash while posting compiled method events.
Generated 285 events
Generated 1002 events

The count is the number of times through the GenerateEvents loop, which 
resets events to zero each time, then prints the number of events for 
every 200 times through the GenerateEvents loop.  So I need both count 
and events.

> But it is up to you. :)
> Thanks,
> Serguei
>> Thanks,
>> Coleen
>>> Thanks,
>>> Serguei
>>> On 12/5/19 04:08, coleen.phillimore at oracle.com wrote:
>>>> Thanks Dan.  I moved the field.  For some reason I thought that 
>>>> class did more/different things than hold per-thread information.
>>>> I've retested this version with tiers 2-6.
>>>> incr webrev at 
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~coleenp/2019/8212160.03.incr/webrev
>>>> full  webrev at 
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~coleenp/2019/8212160.03/webrev
>>>> Thanks to Serguei for offline discussion.
>>>> Coleen
>>>> On 12/4/19 7:40 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>>> Generally speaking, JVM/TI related things should be in 
>>>>> JvmtiThreadState
>>>>> instead of directly in the Thread class. That way the extra space 
>>>>> is only
>>>>> consumed when JVM/TI is in use and only when a Thread does 
>>>>> something that
>>>>> requires a JvmtiThreadState to be created.
>>>>> Please reconsider moving _jvmti_event_queue.
>>>>> Dan
>>>>> On 12/4/19 6:06 PM, coleen.phillimore at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Serguei,
>>>>>> On 12/4/19 5:15 PM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Collen, (no problem)
>>>>>>> It looks good in general.
>>>>>>> Thank you a lot for sorting this out!
>>>>>>> Just a couple of comments.
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~coleenp/2019/8212160.01/webrev/src/hotspot/share/runtime/thread.hpp.frames.html
>>>>>>> 1993 protected:
>>>>>>> 1994 // Jvmti Events that cannot be posted in their current context.
>>>>>>> 1995 // ServiceThread uses this to collect deferred events from 
>>>>>>> NonJava threads
>>>>>>> 1996 // that cannot post events.
>>>>>>> 1997 JvmtiDeferredEventQueue* _jvmti_event_queue;
>>>>>>> As David I also have a concern about footprint of having the 
>>>>>>> _jvmti_event_queue field in the Thread class.
>>>>>>> I'm thinking if it'd be better to move this field into the 
>>>>>>> JvmtiThreadState class.
>>>>>>> Please, see jvmti_thread_state() and 
>>>>>>> JvmtiThreadState::state_for(JavaThread *thread).
>>>>>> The reason I have it directly in JavaThread is so that the GC 
>>>>>> oops_do and nmethods_do code can find it easily. I like your idea 
>>>>>> of hiding it in jvmti but this doesn't seem good to have this 
>>>>>> code know about jvmtiThreadState, which seems to be a queue of 
>>>>>> Jvmti states.  I also don't want to have jvmtiThreadState to have 
>>>>>> to add an oops_do() or nmethods_do() either.
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~coleenp/2019/8212160.01/webrev/src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmtiImpl.cpp.frames.html
>>>>>>> 973 void JvmtiDeferredEvent::post(JvmtiEnv* env) {
>>>>>>> 974 assert(_type == TYPE_COMPILED_METHOD_LOAD, "only user of 
>>>>>>> this method");
>>>>>>> 975 nmethod* nm = _event_data.compiled_method_load;
>>>>>>> 976 JvmtiExport::post_compiled_method_load(env, nm);
>>>>>>> 977 }
>>>>>>> The JvmtiDeferredEvent::post name looks too generic as it posts 
>>>>>>> compiled load events only.
>>>>>>> Do you consider this function extended in the future to support 
>>>>>>> more event types?
>>>>>> I don't envision an extension for this function but I do for 
>>>>>> JvmtiDeferredEventQueue::post().  I have a small enhancement that 
>>>>>> would handoff the entire queue to the ServiceThread and have it 
>>>>>> call post() to post all the events rather than one at a time.
>>>>>> So I'll rename this one post_compiled_method_load_event() and 
>>>>>> leave the other post() as is for now.
>>>>>> open webrev at 
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~coleenp/2019/8212160.02.incr/webrev
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Coleen
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Serguei
>>>>>>> On 11/26/19 06:22, coleen.phillimore at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>>>> Summary: Add local deferred event list to thread to post events 
>>>>>>>> outside CodeCache_lock.
>>>>>>>> This patch builds on the patch for JDK-8173361. With this 
>>>>>>>> patch, I made the JvmtiDeferredEventQueue an instance class 
>>>>>>>> (not AllStatic) and have one per thread.  The CodeBlob event 
>>>>>>>> that used to drop the CodeCache_lock and raced with the sweeper 
>>>>>>>> thread, adds the events it wants to post to its thread local 
>>>>>>>> list, and processes it outside the lock.  The list is walked in 
>>>>>>>> GC and by the sweeper to keep the nmethods from being unloaded 
>>>>>>>> and zombied, respectively.
>>>>>>>> Also, the jmethod_id field in nmethod was only used as a 
>>>>>>>> boolean so don't create a jmethod_id until needed for 
>>>>>>>> post_compiled_method_unload.
>>>>>>>> Ran hs tier1-8 on linux-x64-debug and the stress test that 
>>>>>>>> crashed in the original bug report.
>>>>>>>> open webrev at 
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~coleenp/2019/8212160.01/webrev
>>>>>>>> bug link https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8212160
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Coleen

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