Removal of SA javascript support

sundararajan.athijegannathan at sundararajan.athijegannathan at
Wed Dec 11 03:38:16 UTC 2019

Hi Kris,

Glad to hear that someone used JS interface of SA :) Quick prototyping + 
debugger interactive scripting were the goals of JS interface! As you 
mentioned, given the current state of SA JS interface, it has to be 
removed :(



On 11/12/19 8:56 am, Krystal Mok wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Thanks for the proposal. I used to be one of the few heavy users of 
> jsload / jseval in CLHSDB back in the JDK6 to JDK8 era. The way I used 
> to use it is to quickly prototype new functionality in JS and later 
> bake it into Java code, and also for exploring heap dumps beneath the 
> existing commands available in CLHSDB (i.e. the underlying SA API is 
> far more powerful than the set of commands exposed in HSDB).
> I even collected my own library of SA-based JS functions for easy 
> navigation of Java heap dumps. e.g. this objtree command: 
> I'm sad to see it go but given its current state I'd +1 on the 
> proposal to remove it now.
> Best regards,
> Kris
> On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 6:52 PM Chris Plummer 
> <chris.plummer at <mailto:chris.plummer at>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I like to propose the removal of SA javascript support. Few people
>     even
>     realize this support exists, and hopefully even fewer are using it
>     since
>     I'd like to remove it. Since I'm new to this myself, let me first
>     explain what I know about it's existence, and then explain why I
>     want to
>     remove it.
>     If you run "jhsdb clhsdb", there are jsload and jseval commands.
>     Don't
>     look for them in anything post JDK 8. I'll explain why later.
>     jsload is
>     used to load a javascript file. In that file you can register new
>     clhsdb
>     commands that are written in javascript. You can also evaluate
>     javascript using the jseval command. Some of this is explained in
>     [1],
>     which is the only place I can find any reference to this support. It
>     does not appear to be officially supported, nor is there any oracle
>     provided documentation.
>     There also appear to be a few clhsdb commands that are written in
>     javascript. Doing a grep for "registerCommand" in sa.js shows the
>     following:
>       registerCommand("class", "class name", "jclass");
>       registerCommand("classes", "classes", "jclasses");
>       registerCommand("dumpclass", "dumpclass { address | name } [
>     directory
>     ]", "dclass");
>       registerCommand("dumpheap", "dumpheap [ file ]", "dumpHeap");
>       registerCommand("mem", "mem address [ length ]", "printMem");
>       registerCommand("sysprops", "sysprops", "sysProps");
>       registerCommand("whatis", "whatis address", "printWhatis");
>     Once again, don't go looking for these in anything newer than
>     JDK8. You
>     won't find them. Again the only documentation I can fine is [1].
>     The other use of Javascript is the SOQL command (Simple Object Query
>     Language), a tool used to query the heap, and also the JSDB command.
>     The only SOQL documentation I could find is the blog reference [2]. I
>     could not find HSDB documentation, but I believe is is a javascript
>     support for looking at hotspot. So once again, neither of these
>     seem to
>     be officially supported or documented.
>     The real purpose of the email is to propose removal of this support.
>     Here are the reasons:
>     (1) It's broken, and has been since 9. See [3]. This is why you don't
>     see the javascript related commands in clhsdb. Javascript fails to
>     initialize, so none of the javascript related commands are registered.
>     (2) Nashorn is deprecated and will be removed eventually.
>     (3) We have very little understanding of the javascript support.
>     (4) No resources to work on it (unless there is a community
>     volunteer).
>     (5) Very questionable value (lack of users). The fact this support
>     has
>     been broken since JDK 9 and no bug was filed until I did so this
>     week is
>     a good indication of that. Another is that there are no other SA
>     Javascript related bugs filed. Lastly, the lack of any official
>     documentation and only minimal mention of it on the web is another
>     good
>     indication of it's (lack of) value.
>     Also, regarding the 7 commands listed above that would be lost (but
>     currently don't work now anyway), if they are really wanted, they
>     could
>     be implemented in java instead of javascript.
>     I'd like to remove javascript support in two steps. The first is
>     simply
>     disable the clhsdb code that tries to initialize the javascript
>     support.
>     I'd like to do this in 14 (actually as soon as possible). I'd like to
>     actually do this now even if we decide to keep javascript support and
>     eventually fix it because it will get rid of the warning you see
>     whenever you attach from clhsdb:
>           Warning! JS Engine can't start, some commands will not be
>     available.
>     This warning will become more of an issue for the clhsdb tests
>     after I
>     push [4] because then you will also see the full stacktrace for the
>     underlying exception that caused the Javascript to fail to start.
>     Besides being unnecessary noise in passing test cases, it can also be
>     misleading in any test that fails because the exception will be
>     unrelated to the failure. This is actually what got me going down
>     this
>     path of what the javascript support is all about.
>     The next step would be to strip out all Javascript related code,
>     including the SOQL and JSDB tools. This would be done in 15.
>     Please let me know what you think.
>     thanks,
>     Chris
>     [1]
>     [2]
>     [3]
>     [4]
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