RFR: 8234624: jstack mixed mode should refer DWARF

serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
Sat Dec 14 01:02:13 UTC 2019

Hi Yasumasa,

This is nice move in general.
Thank you for working on this!


96 long libptr = dbg.findLibPtrByAddress(pc); 97 if (libptr == 0L) { // 
Java frame 98 Address rbp = 
context.getRegisterAsAddress(AMD64ThreadContext.RBP); 99 if (rbp == 
null) { 100 return null; 101 } 102 return new LinuxAMD64CFrame(dbg, rbp, 
pc, null); 103 } else { // Native frame 104 DwarfParser dwarf; 105 try { 
106 dwarf = new DwarfParser(libptr); 107 } catch (DebuggerException e) { 
108 Address rbp = context.getRegisterAsAddress(AMD64ThreadContext.RBP); 
109 if (rbp == null) { 110 return null; 111 } 112 return new 
LinuxAMD64CFrame(dbg, rbp, pc, null); 113 } 114 dwarf.processDwarf(pc); 
115 Address cfa = ((dwarf.getCFARegister() == AMD64ThreadContext.RBP) && 
116 !dwarf.isBPOffsetAvailable()) 117 ? 
context.getRegisterAsAddress(AMD64ThreadContext.RBP) 118 : 
context.getRegisterAsAddress(dwarf.getCFARegister()) 119 
.addOffsetTo(dwarf.getCFAOffset()); 120 if (cfa == null) { 121 return 
null; 122 } 123 return new LinuxAMD64CFrame(dbg, cfa, pc, dwarf); 124 }

I'd suggest to simplify the logic by refactoring to something like below:

           long libptr = dbg.findLibPtrByAddress(pc);
           Address cfa = 
context.getRegisterAsAddress(AMD64ThreadContext.RBP); // Java frame
           DwarfParser dwarf = null;

           if (libptr != 0L) { // Native frame
             try {
               dwarf = new DwarfParser(libptr);
               Address cfa = ((dwarf.getCFARegister() == 
AMD64ThreadContext.RBP) &&

            } catch (DebuggerException e) { // bail out to Java frame case
          if (cfa == null) {
            return null;
          return new LinuxAMD64CFrame(dbg, cfa, pc, dwarf);


58 long ofs = useDwarf ? dwarf.getReturnAddressOffsetFromCFA()

   Better to rename 'ofs' => 'offs'.

77 nextCFA = nextCFA.addOffsetTo(- nextDwarf.getBasePointerOffsetFromCFA());

   Extra space after '-' sign.

71 private Address getNextCFA(DwarfParser nextDwarf, ThreadContext 
context) {

   It feels like the logic has to be somehow refactored/simplified as
   several typical fragments appears in slightly different contexts.
   But it is not easy to understand what it is.
   Could you, please, add some comments to key places explaining this logic.
   Then I'll check if it is possible to make it a little bit simpler.

109 private CFrame javaSender(ThreadContext context) { 110 Address 
nextCFA; 111 Address nextPC; 112 113 nextPC = getNextPC(false); 114 if 
(nextPC == null) { 115 return null; 116 } 117 118 DwarfParser nextDwarf 
= null; 119 long libptr = dbg.findLibPtrByAddress(nextPC); 120 if 
(libptr != 0L) { // Native frame 121 try { 122 nextDwarf = new 
DwarfParser(libptr); 123 } catch (DebuggerException e) { 124 nextCFA = 
getNextCFA(null, context); 125 return (nextCFA == null) ? null : new 
LinuxAMD64CFrame(dbg, nextCFA, nextPC, null); 126 } 127 
nextDwarf.processDwarf(nextPC); 128 } 129 130 nextCFA = 
getNextCFA(nextDwarf, context); 131 return (nextCFA == null) ? null 132 
: new LinuxAMD64CFrame(dbg, nextCFA, nextPC, nextDwarf); 133 }

  The above can be simplified if a DebuggerException can not be thrown 
from processDwarf(nextPC):
      private CFrame javaSender(ThreadContext context) {
        Address nextPC = getNextPC(false);
        if (nextPC == null) {
          return null;
        long libptr = dbg.findLibPtrByAddress(nextPC);
        DwarfParser nextDwarf = null;

        if (libptr != 0L) { // Native frame
          try {
            nextDwarf = new DwarfParser(libptr);
          } catch (DebuggerException e) { // Bail out to Java frame
        Address nextCFA = getNextCFA(nextDwarf, context);
        return (nextCFA == null) ? null : new LinuxAMD64CFrame(dbg, 
nextCFA, nextPC, nextDwarf);

135 public CFrame sender(ThreadProxy thread) { 136 ThreadContext context 
= thread.getContext(); 137 138 if (dwarf == null) { // Java frame 139 
return javaSender(context); 140 } 141 142 Address nextPC = 
getNextPC(true); 143 if (nextPC == null) { 144 return null; 145 } 146 
147 Address nextCFA; 148 DwarfParser nextDwarf = dwarf; 149 if 
(!dwarf.isIn(nextPC)) { 150 long libptr = 
dbg.findLibPtrByAddress(nextPC); 151 if (libptr == 0L) { 152 // Next 
frame might be Java frame 153 nextCFA = getNextCFA(null, context); 154 
return (nextCFA == null) ? null : new LinuxAMD64CFrame(dbg, nextCFA, 
nextPC, null); 155 } 156 try { 157 nextDwarf = new DwarfParser(libptr); 
158 } catch (DebuggerException e) { 159 nextCFA = getNextCFA(null, 
context); 160 return (nextCFA == null) ? null : new 
LinuxAMD64CFrame(dbg, nextCFA, nextPC, null); 161 } 162 } 163 164 
nextDwarf.processDwarf(nextPC); 165 nextCFA = getNextCFA(nextDwarf, 
context); 166 return (nextCFA == null) ? null : new 
LinuxAMD64CFrame(dbg, nextCFA, nextPC, nextDwarf); 167 }

  This one can be also simplified a little:

      public CFrame sender(ThreadProxy thread) {
        ThreadContext context = thread.getContext();

        if (dwarf == null) { // Java frame
          return javaSender(context);
        Address nextPC = getNextPC(true);
        if (nextPC == null) {
          return null;
        DwarfParser nextDwarf = null;
        if (!dwarf.isIn(nextPC)) {
          long libptr = dbg.findLibPtrByAddress(nextPC);
          if (libptr != 0L) {
            try {
              nextDwarf = new DwarfParser(libptr);
            } catch (DebuggerException e) { // Bail out to Java frame
        Address nextCFA = getNextCFA(nextDwarf, context);
        return (nextCFA == null) ? null : new LinuxAMD64CFrame(dbg, 
nextCFA, nextPC, nextDwarf);

Finally, it looks like just one method could replace both
sender(ThreadProxy thread) and javaSender(ThreadContext context):

      private CFrame commonSender(ThreadProxy thread) {
        ThreadContext context = thread.getContext();
        Address nextPC = getNextPC(false);
        if (nextPC == null) {
          return null;
        DwarfParser nextDwarf = null;

        long libptr = dbg.findLibPtrByAddress(nextPC);
        if (dwarf == null || !dwarf.isIn(nextPC)) {
          long libptr = dbg.findLibPtrByAddress(nextPC);
          if (libptr != 0L) {
            try {
              nextDwarf = new DwarfParser(libptr);
            } catch (DebuggerException e) { // Bail out to Java frame
        Address nextCFA = getNextCFA(nextDwarf, context);
        return (nextCFA == null) ? null : new LinuxAMD64CFrame(dbg, 
nextCFA, nextPC, nextDwarf);

I'm still reviewing the dwarf parser files.


On 11/28/19 4:39 AM, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
> Hi,
> I refactored LinuxAMD64CFrame.java . It works fine in 
> serviceability/sa tests and
> all tests on submit repo 
> (mach5-one-ysuenaga-JDK-8234624-2-20191128-0928-7059923).
> Could you review new webrev?
>   http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ysuenaga/JDK-8234624/webrev.01/
> The diff from previous webrev is here:
>   http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/submit/rev/4bc47efbc90b
> Thanks,
> Yasumasa
> On 2019/11/25 14:08, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Please review this change:
>>    JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8234624
>>    webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ysuenaga/JDK-8234624/webrev.00/
>> According to 2.7 Stack Unwind Algorithm in System V Application 
>> Binary Interface AMD64
>> Architecture Processor Supplement [1], we need to use DWARF in 
>> .eh_frame or .debug_frame
>> for stack unwinding.
>> As JDK-8022183 said, omit-frame-pointer is enabled by default since 
>> GCC 4.6, so system
>> library (e.g. libc) might be compiled with this feature.
>> However `jhsdb jstack --mixed` does not do so, it uses base pointer 
>> register (RBP).
>> So it might be lack of stack frames.
>> I guess JDK-8219201 is caused by same issue.
>> Thanks,
>> Yasumasa
>> [1] 
>> https://software.intel.com/sites/default/files/article/402129/mpx-linux64-abi.pdf

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