Jhsdb jmap --heap print large value of MaxMetaspaceSize

Chris Plummer chris.plummer at oracle.com
Wed Dec 18 03:23:45 UTC 2019

That sounds reasonable, but I'd like to hear from people that are 
actually putting the "jmap --heap print" output to use. Although the 
exact format of the output is not specified, it's possible that users 
could be parsing the output by looking for an actual numeric size. There 
might even be tests that do this. This also puts into question whether 
or not you would need a CSR.



On 12/16/19 7:18 PM, linzang(臧琳) wrote:
> Dear All,
>       I found jhsdb jmap —heap print the value of uint_max (17592186044415 MB) when MaxMetaspaceSize is not set by user. This number confused me a little.
>       And I also found the jcmd VM.metaspace prints “unimited” if MaxMetaspaceSize is not set. Which seems more reasonable.
>       So Do you think it is OK if I make "jhsdb jmap" print the same “unlimited” value as jcmd does for MaxMetaspaceSize?
> BRs,
> Lin

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