RFR: 8209413: AArch64: NPE in clhsdb jstack command

Jini George jini.george at oracle.com
Fri Feb 1 18:16:00 UTC 2019

Hi Nick,

Do we reach here after AARCH64CurrentFrameGuess.run() fails to get the 
PC ? If so, was wondering if it would make more sense to scan from the 
top of stack sp obtained from 
context.getRegisterAsAddress(AARCH64ThreadContext.SP) to the sp of the 
last known java frame with thread.getLastJavaSP() in 
AARCH64CurrentFrameGuess.run() -- otherwise was wondering if we are 
risking an exception by running off the top of the stack while scanning 
in the upward direction (towards lower addresses) for 
CALLEE_FRAME_SEARCH_LIMIT * addressSize from the previous Java SP 
(though the scan range is small).


P.S.:- BTW, I was referring to this to understand your change: (from 
page 15 of 

Conforming code shall construct a linked list of stack-frames. Each 
frame shall link to the frame of its caller by
means of a frame record of two 64-bit values on the stack. The frame 
record for the innermost frame (belonging
to the most recent routine invocation) shall be pointed to by the Frame 
Pointer register (FP). The lowest
addressed double-word shall point to the previous frame record and the 
highest addressed double-word shall
contain the value passed in LR on entry to the current function. The end 
of the frame record chain is indicated by
the address zero in the address for the previous frame. The location of 
the frame record within a stack frame is not
specified. Note: There will always be a short period during construction 
or destruction of each frame record during
which the frame pointer will point to the caller’s record.

On 2/1/2019 2:52 PM, Nick Gasson (Arm Technology China) wrote:
> Hi all,
> Please review this patch to fix a crash in the clhsdb "jstack -v"
> command on AArch64:
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8209413
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ngasson/8209413/webrev.01/
> On AArch64, if you use "jhsdb clhsdb --pid=..." to attach a debugger to
> a Java process, and then run "jstack -v" while any thread is executing a
> native method, you will get a NullPointerException like this:
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> 	at
> jdk.hotspot.agent/sun.jvm.hotspot.tools.StackTrace.run(StackTrace.java:83)
> 	at
> jdk.hotspot.agent/sun.jvm.hotspot.CommandProcessor$24.doit(CommandProcessor.java:1066)
> The problem is this constructor of AARCH64Frame, which is called by when
> trying to construct the frame for the native method (wrapper):
>     AARCH64Frame(Address raw_sp, Address raw_fp)
> It takes the last-known Java SP and FP, and tries to find the PC
> following the BL instruction that jumped to the native code. At the
> moment it assumes this is at SP[-1]:
>     this.pc = raw_sp.getAddressAt(-1 * VM.getVM().getAddressSize());
> I think this comes from x86 where the CALL instruction will push it
> there. The fix in this patch is to scan the stack of the native (C++)
> function looking for a pointer back to the frame of the native wrapper.
> If we find this then the LR on entry should be saved in the stack slot
> above. This fails if the native function stack frame is too big, or it's
> a leaf function that didn't push FP/LR. But in this case setting this.pc
> to null makes the frame object look invalid and so won't be printed,
> instead of crashing.
> Sample output from the ClhsdbJstack.java jtreg test which passes now
> with this patch:
>    - java.lang.Thread.sleep(long) @bci=0, pc=0x0000ffffa05bb68c,
> Method*=0x0000000800143410 (Compiled frame; information may be imprecise)
>    - jdk.test.lib.apps.LingeredApp.main(java.lang.String[]) @bci=53,
> line=502, pc=0x0000ffff9892572c, Method*=0x0000ffff2e870d48 (Interpreted
> frame)
> An alternative to scanning the native functions's stack might be to use
> the last-known Java PC saved by set_last_Java_frame, this is off by a
> few instructions but I don't think that matters. But this constructor
> potentially has other users so we'd have to fix it anyway.
> Thanks,
> Nick

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