RFR: 8219585: [TESTBUG] sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/JMXInterfaceBindingTest.java passes trivially when it shouldn't

Severin Gehwolf sgehwolf at redhat.com
Thu Feb 28 15:47:41 UTC 2019

Hi Daniel,

On Thu, 2019-02-28 at 15:21 +0000, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
> Hi Severin,
> On 27/02/2019 16:26, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
> > On Mac OS X and Linux - I saw it failed too - though with lower
> > frequency (like 3 or 4 times every 100 runs), and AFAICS
> > usually later and for a different reason: when it fails, it usually
> > timeouts when trying to test over SSL.
> > 
> > On Solaris - it seems to fail at least half of the times, usually
> > in timeout over SSL too.
> My guess was wrong - and I might have found what caused most
> of these intermittent failures on solaris/mac/linux: increasing
> the time that the JMXAgentInterfaceBinding class waits for the
> agent to come up (say, from 500 to 5000) and sleeping
> for 1s between the plain socket test and the SSL test seems to
> reduce drastically the frequency of failures.
> The /timeout also needs to be bumped to allow for the extra time.
> Remains only the issue with windows... I guess some alternate
> communication channel could be used between the master process
> and its subprocess? Like having the subprocess read on stdin,
> waiting for the master process to tell it to exit for instance?

Yes, thanks for looking at this Daniel. That was my determination as
well. However, even if we do all of the above, and add a test config
with /etc/hosts mapping a non-loopback address to "localhost" it would
break other tests. E.g. this one:

So I'd have to explore whether your suggestion with
InetAddress.getLocalHost() is viable. It seems promising.

I'll keep you posted.


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