Is RegisterMap updated?

David Griffiths david.griffiths at
Tue Jan 29 11:24:29 UTC 2019

Hi, in CompiledVFrame.createStackValue there is the following code:

      // First find address of value
      Address valueAddr = loc.isRegister()
        // Value was in a callee-save register
        ? getRegisterMap().getLocation(new VMReg(loc.getRegisterNumber()))
        // Else value was directly saved on the stack. The frame's
original stack pointer,
        // before any extension by its callee (due to Compiler1
linkage on SPARC), must be used.
        : ((Address)fr.getUnextendedSP()).addOffsetTo(loc.getStackOffset());

It appears from what I can make out that for the register case the map
is not updated and so valueAddr is null. The only thing I can see that
calls setLocation is updateMapWithSavedLink. Seems like it should be
possible to return the register value for the frame at the top of the
stack though?



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