RFR: 8227738: jvmti/DataDumpRequest/datadumpreq001 failed due to "exit code is 134"

Yasumasa Suenaga yasuenag at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 23:41:04 UTC 2019

2019年7月17日(水) 8:35 <serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com>:

> Hi Yasumasa,
> Thank you for taking care about this issue!
> You changed the code form this:
>  371           } else if (cur_state == AL_NOT_INITIALIZED) {
>  372             // Start to initialize. 373             if (!AttachListener::is_init_trigger()) {
>  374               // Attach Listener could not be started.
>  375               // So we need to transit the state to AL_NOT_INITIALIZED.
>  376               AttachListener::set_state(AL_NOT_INITIALIZED);
>  377             } 378             continue;
>  379           } else if (AttachListener::check_socket_file()) {
> to this:
>  371           } else if (cur_state == AL_NOT_INITIALIZED) {
>  372             // Start to initialize. 373             if (AttachListener::is_init_trigger()) { 374               // Attach Listener has been initialized. 375               // Accept subsequent request. 376               continue; 377             } else {
>  378               // Attach Listener could not be started.
>  379               // So we need to transit the state to AL_NOT_INITIALIZED.
>  380               AttachListener::set_state(AL_NOT_INITIALIZED);
>  381             }
>  382           } else if (AttachListener::check_socket_file()) {
> The only difference I see is that now the continue statement is missed
> after the AttachListener::set_state(AL_NOT_INITIALIZED).
> Just want to make sure that it was your intention.
Yes, we should go through when is_init_trigger() returns false.



> Serguei
> On 7/16/19 4:15 PM, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
> Hi all,
> Please review this change:
>   JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8227738
>   webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ysuenaga/JDK-8227738/webrev.00/
> After JDK-8225690, HotSpot could not handle JVMTI dump request (includes
> thread dump request).
> It is caused by incorrect handling of AttachListener::is_init_trigger().
> I fixed it in this webrev, and it works fine on serviceability/attach and
> vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/DataDumpRequest/datadumpreq001.
> Also I pushed this to submit repo (I have not yet received the result).
>   http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/submit/rev/3fb4b04ff5f2
> Thanks,
> Yasumasa
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