RFR (S): 8220451: jdi/EventQueue/remove/remove004 failed due to "ERROR: thread2 is not alive"

Nick Gasson nick.gasson at arm.com
Thu Mar 21 06:58:17 UTC 2019


Please review this small fix to a bug that causes the following tests to 
fail when run with jtreg -timeoutFactor > 10 after the changes in 8207367:


Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8220451
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ngasson/8220451/webrev.0

This test creates a debugee process that sleeps for 5 * timeoutFactor * 
10000 ms or until it is signalled to stop, and the parent sleeps for 5 * 
timeoutFactor * 1000 ms then signals the child and checks no unexpected 
events were received in that time. However the jtreg timeout factor is 
not passed from parent to debugee so the debugee uses the default value 
1.0. So if the jtreg timeout factor is 12 the parent will sleep for 5 * 
12 * 1000 = 60000 ms and the debugee will sleep for 5 * 1 * 10000 = 
50000 ms and exit before the parent wakes up. The debugee exiting causes 
an unexpected event and the test fails.

Fix by passing the timeout factor system property to the debugee.

Tested with `make test TEST="vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/EventQueue" 


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