RFR (S): 8219023: Investigate syncing JVMTI spec version with JDK version
David Holmes
david.holmes at oracle.com
Tue May 14 07:13:40 UTC 2019
Hi Serguei,
For the delay in getting back to this. Everything seems fine to me now.
On 10/05/2019 7:16 pm, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
> Hi David,
> I've noticed a minor problem in the jvmti.html diff below:
> 5c5
> < <title>JVM(TM) Tool Interface 11.0.0</title>
> ---
> > <title>JVM(TM) Tool Interface 13.0.0</title>
> 30c30
> < <h3>Version 11.0</h3>
> ---
> > <h3>Version 13.0</h3>
> 34931c34931
> < Version: 11.0.0
> ---
> > Version: 13.0.0
> There should not be the last difference as this is the version of last
> JVMTI spec update:
> *11.0.0*
> 7 February 2018 Minor update for new class file NestHost and
> NestMembers attributes: - Specify that RedefineClasses and
> RetransformClasses are not allowed to change the class file NestHost and
> NestMembers attributes. - Add new error
> returned by RedefineClasses and RetransformClasses.
> I've updated the webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2019/8219023-svc-version.3/
> The newly updated file is:
> || src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmti.xml
> which has this change:
> +<xsl:template name="lastchangeversion">
> + <xsl:for-each select="//change">
> + <xsl:if test="position() = last()">
> + <xsl:value-of select="@version"/>
> + </xsl:if>
> + </xsl:for-each>
> +</xsl:template>
> +
> <xsl:template match="changehistory">
> <div class="sep"/>
> <hr class="thick"/>
> <h2>Change History</h2>
> Last update: <xsl:value-of select="@update"/><br/>
> - Version: <xsl:call-template name="showversion"/>
> + Version: <xsl:call-template name="lastchangeversion"/>
> New jvmti.html diff is:
> 5c5
> < <title>JVM(TM) Tool Interface 11.0.0</title>
> ---
> > <title>JVM(TM) Tool Interface 13.0.0</title>
> 30c30
> < <h3>Version 11.0</h3>
> ---
> > <h3>Version 13.0</h3>
> Thanks,
> Serguei
> On 5/10/19 01:03, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> On 5/9/19 18:51, David Holmes wrote:
>>> Hi Serguei,
>>> On 10/05/2019 10:32 am, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>>> I've updated the webrev v2 in place.
>>> make/hotspot/gensrc/GensrcJvmti.gmk
>>> You don't need to pass through: -PARAM minorversion $(VERSION_INTERIM)
>> Good catch.
>> How did I missed to remove?
>>> src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdi/VirtualMachineManagerImpl.java
>>> 57 private static final int minorVersion =
>>> Runtime.version().interim();
>>> That should be kept at 0.
>> Okay, fixed.
>> New webrev is:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2019/8219023-svc-version.3/
>>> I'd like to see an actual diff of the generated jvmti.h and
>>> jvmti.html files as well please. Some of the XSL stuff looks odd to me.
>> The jvmti.h diff:
>> 2c2
>> < * Copyright (c) 2002, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All
>> rights reserved.
>> ---
>> > * Copyright (c) 2002, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All
>> rights reserved.
>> 47c47
>> < JVMTI_VERSION = 0x30000000 + (11 * 0x10000) + (0 * 0x100) + 0
>> /* version: 11.0.0 */
>> ---
>> > JVMTI_VERSION = 0x30000000 + (13 * 0x10000) + ( 0 * 0x100) + 0
>> /* version: 13.0.0 */
>> The jvmti.html diff:
>> 5c5
>> < <title>JVM(TM) Tool Interface 11.0.0</title>
>> ---
>> > <title>JVM(TM) Tool Interface 13.0.0</title>
>> 30c30
>> < <h3>Version 11.0</h3>
>> ---
>> > <h3>Version 13.0</h3>
>> 34931c34931
>> < Version: 11.0.0
>> ---
>> > Version: 13.0.0
>> Thanks,
>> Serguei
>>> Thanks,
>>> David
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Serguei
>>>> On 5/9/19 17:28, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>> David and Jc,
>>>>> Okay, I'll remove this line now.
>>>>> Thank you for your comments.
>>>>> Let's let Jc to file a separate enhancement on this.
>>>>> Then I'll file a CSR and prepare a fix.
>>>>> I hope, you both are Okay with the rest.
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> Serguei
>>>>> On 5/9/19 17:17, Jean Christophe Beyler wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Serguei,
>>>>>> Adding to the difficulties that David is exposing, this won't
>>>>>> work. You need to redo the xls definition because you need the
>>>>>> #define to be the numeric value directly and not the enum;
>>>>>> otherwise it won't work in any usable way at preprocessor time sadly.
>>>>>> I think it makes sense to just do what you were planning to do
>>>>>> here without this and I'll file a bug and work out the CSR path
>>>>>> and review path separately and see what is do-able or not then
>>>>>> because I think it's too much work now "just for this now" if that
>>>>>> makes sense :)
>>>>>> Jc
>>>>>> *From: *David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com
>>>>>> <mailto:david.holmes at oracle.com>>
>>>>>> *Date: *Thu, May 9, 2019 at 5:11 PM
>>>>>> *To: *serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
>>>>>> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com>, Jean Christophe Beyler
>>>>>> *Cc: *serviceability-dev
>>>>>> On 10/05/2019 9:45 am, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
>>>>>> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>>> > Hi Jc,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Okay, you convinced me - thanks!
>>>>>> > Added new line into the generated jvmti.h:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> That requires a CSR as you are expanding the exported interface.
>>>>>> Also you need
>>>>>> as JVMTI_VERSION is itself an expression not a constant. That
>>>>>> might
>>>>>> limit the utility of having such a define as you won't be able to
>>>>>> use it
>>>>>> in an ifdef guard to test a value AFAICS.
>>>>>> David
>>>>>> > I hope, it will help in your case.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Updated webrev version is:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2019/8219023-svc-version.2/
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > This version includes suggestions from David.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Thanks,
>>>>>> > Serguei
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > On 5/9/19 14:17, Jean Christophe Beyler wrote:
>>>>>> >> Hi Serguei,
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Of course I can :)
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Consider, just randomly of course, the heap sampling work that
>>>>>> got
>>>>>> >> added to JVMTI. Now imagine you'd want to test if it is
>>>>>> supported by a
>>>>>> >> given JVMTI version, you would write something like this:
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> bool HeapMonitor::Supported(jvmtiEnv *jvmti) {
>>>>>> >> jvmtiCapabilities caps;
>>>>>> >> memset(&caps, 0, sizeof(caps));
>>>>>> >> if (jvmti->GetPotentialCapabilities(&caps) !=
>>>>>> >> LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get potential capabilities,
>>>>>> disabling
>>>>>> >> the heap "
>>>>>> >> << "sampling monitor";
>>>>>> >> return false;
>>>>>> >> }
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> return caps.can_generate_sampled_object_alloc_events
>>>>>> >> && caps.can_generate_garbage_collection_events;
>>>>>> >> }
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Now, the problem is that this code cannot be used if you
>>>>>> compile with
>>>>>> >> an older JDK such as JDK8 for example
>>>>>> >> because can_generate_sampled_object_alloc_events does not
>>>>>> exist yet
>>>>>> >> for that jvmti.h file.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> In a perfect world, we might imagine that we are always
>>>>>> compiling with
>>>>>> >> the latest JVMTI headers but that is not always true and,
>>>>>> therefore,
>>>>>> >> to have the code portable, we now have to do:
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> bool HeapMonitor::Supported(jvmtiEnv *jvmti) {
>>>>>> >> #ifdef ENABLE_HEAP_SAMPLING
>>>>>> >> jvmtiCapabilities caps;
>>>>>> >> memset(&caps, 0, sizeof(caps));
>>>>>> >> if (jvmti->GetPotentialCapabilities(&caps) !=
>>>>>> >> LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get potential capabilities,
>>>>>> disabling
>>>>>> >> the heap "
>>>>>> >> << "sampling monitor";
>>>>>> >> return false;
>>>>>> >> }
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> return caps.can_generate_sampled_object_alloc_events
>>>>>> >> && caps.can_generate_garbage_collection_events;
>>>>>> >> #else
>>>>>> >> return false;
>>>>>> >> #endif
>>>>>> >> }
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Where ENABLE_HEAP_SAMPLING is defined if we did compile with
>>>>>> JDK11 and
>>>>>> >> not defined if we compiled with JDK8. I can't use
>>>>>> >> because I can't use it in an #if because it is not an enum.
>>>>>> Were it to
>>>>>> >> be a #define or were I to have a #define I could use with a
>>>>>> version
>>>>>> >> number being bumped up, I could write something such as:
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> #ifdef JVMTI_VERSION_11
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> or something that looks in the value of the JVMTI_VERSION if I
>>>>>> wanted.
>>>>>> >> Right now, I can't even do that!
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Hopefully this helps understand what I am talking about :-),
>>>>>> >> Jc
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 2:08 PM serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
>>>>>> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com>
>>>>>> >> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
>>>>>> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com>> <serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
>>>>>> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com>
>>>>>> >> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
>>>>>> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com>>> wrote:
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Hi Jc,
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Thank you a lot for review!
>>>>>> >> Some replies below.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> On 5/9/19 09:10, Jean Christophe Beyler wrote:
>>>>>> >>> Hi Serguei,
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> FWIW, the change looks good and I think it's a good idea
>>>>>> to do.
>>>>>> >>> However, there is one thorn in our internal agent code is
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> >>> the JVMTI_VERSION is in an enum. This makes us unable to
>>>>>> #if it
>>>>>> >>> when adding usages of newer features/methods.
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> This probably could/should be a different webrev (which I
>>>>>> can do
>>>>>> >>> if you like) but is there any way while you are
>>>>>> changing this
>>>>>> >>> that the enum for JVMTI_VERSION could become a set of
>>>>>> #define?
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> So instead of:
>>>>>> >>> enum {
>>>>>> >>> JVMTI_VERSION_1 = 0x30010000,
>>>>>> >>> JVMTI_VERSION_1_0 = 0x30010000,
>>>>>> >>> JVMTI_VERSION_1_1 = 0x30010100,
>>>>>> >>> JVMTI_VERSION_1_2 = 0x30010200,
>>>>>> >>> JVMTI_VERSION_9 = 0x30090000,
>>>>>> >>> JVMTI_VERSION_11 = 0x300B0000,
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> JVMTI_VERSION = 0x30000000 + (11 * 0x10000) + (0 *
>>>>>> 0x100) +
>>>>>> >>> 0 /* version: 11.0.0 */
>>>>>> >>> };
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> We would get:
>>>>>> >>> #define JVMTI_VERSION_1 0x30010000
>>>>>> >>> #define JVMTI_VERSION_1_0 0x30010000
>>>>>> >>> #define JVMTI_VERSION_1_1 = 0x30010100
>>>>>> >>> #define JVMTI_VERSION_1_2 = 0x30010200
>>>>>> >>> #define JVMTI_VERSION_9 = 0x30090000
>>>>>> >>> #define JVMTI_VERSION_11 = 0x300B0000
>>>>>> >>> #define JVMTI_VERSION (0x30000000 + (11 * 0x10000) + (0 *
>>>>>> 0x100)
>>>>>> >>> + 0 /* version: 11.0.0 */)
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> It is interesting concern and suggestion.
>>>>>> >> I'm not sure if it requires a CSR.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>> I actually don't care about any define of these except
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> >>> JVMTI_VERSION; basically it would be useful so that in
>>>>>> our agent
>>>>>> >>> code we can test the JVMTI_VERSION with #if macros to
>>>>>> protect the
>>>>>> >>> code when new elements show up in future versions. So
>>>>>> it also
>>>>>> >>> could be:
>>>>>> >>> enum {
>>>>>> >>> JVMTI_VERSION_1 = 0x30010000,
>>>>>> >>> JVMTI_VERSION_1_0 = 0x30010000,
>>>>>> >>> JVMTI_VERSION_1_1 = 0x30010100,
>>>>>> >>> JVMTI_VERSION_1_2 = 0x30010200,
>>>>>> >>> JVMTI_VERSION_9 = 0x30090000,
>>>>>> >>> JVMTI_VERSION_11 = 0x300B0000,
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> JVMTI_VERSION = 0x30000000 + (11 * 0x10000) + (0 *
>>>>>> 0x100) +
>>>>>> >>> 0 /* version: 11.0.0 */
>>>>>> >>> };
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> #define JVMTI_LATEST_VERSION (0x30000000 + (11 * 0x10000)
>>>>>> + (0 *
>>>>>> >>> 0x100) + 0 /* version: 11.0.0 */)
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> I is not a problem to implement this one.
>>>>>> >> But I'm not sure how does this really help in your case.
>>>>>> >> I do not see a point to test the JVMTI_VERSION with #if as
>>>>>> it is
>>>>>> >> always defined.
>>>>>> >> Could you, please, elaborate a little bit more?
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Thanks,
>>>>>> >> Serguei
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>> Right now, I have to do weird things where I detect the
>>>>>> jvmti.h
>>>>>> >>> used at compile time to then do -DUSING_JDK11 for the
>>>>>> agent at
>>>>>> >>> compile time.
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> Thanks!
>>>>>> >>> Jc
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 8:48 AM serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
>>>>>> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com>
>>>>>> >>> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
>>>>>> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com>> <serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
>>>>>> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com>
>>>>>> >>> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
>>>>>> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com>>> wrote:
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> I'll try to get rid of VERSION_INTERIM.
>>>>>> >>> Always using just VERSION_FEATURE.0.0 should not
>>>>>> create problems
>>>>>> >>> if we do not change JVMTI spec in VERSION_UPDATE.
>>>>>> >>> I do not see why we would change the JVMTI spec in
>>>>>> update
>>>>>> >>> releases.
>>>>>> >>> But if we do then using VERSION_UPDATE as
>>>>>> microversion would
>>>>>> >>> be good enough.
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> Thanks!
>>>>>> >>> Serguei
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> On 5/9/19 06:13, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>>> >>> > Hi Serguei,
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > On 9/05/2019 7:09 pm, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
>>>>>> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com>
>>>>>> >>> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
>>>>>> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> >>> >> Hi David,
>>>>>> >>> >>
>>>>>> >>> >> Thank you a lot for review!
>>>>>> >>> >> There are some replies below.
>>>>>> >>> >>
>>>>>> >>> >>
>>>>>> >>> >> On 5/8/19 18:42, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>>> >>> >>> Hi Serguei,
>>>>>> >>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> >>> On 9/05/2019 8:57 am, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
>>>>>> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com>
>>>>>> >>> <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
>>>>>> �� <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> >>> >>>> Please, review a fix for the task:
>>>>>> >>> >>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8219023
>>>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>> >>>> Webrev:
>>>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2019/8219023-svc-version.1/
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>> >>>> Summary:
>>>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>> >>>> By design as we have never bumped the JVMTI
>>>>>> version unless
>>>>>> >>> >>>> there were spec changes for that release. Now
>>>>>> we want
>>>>>> >>> to sync
>>>>>> >>> >>>> the JVMTI version with the JDK version
>>>>>> regardless of
>>>>>> >>> whether
>>>>>> >>> >>>> or not spec changes have occurred in that
>>>>>> release.
>>>>>> >>> >>>> Also, we want it automatically set by the
>>>>>> build system
>>>>>> >>> so that
>>>>>> >>> >>>> no manual updates are needed for each release.
>>>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>> >>>> The jvmti.h and jvmti.html (JVMTI spec) are
>>>>>> generated from
>>>>>> >>> >>>> the jvmti.xsl with the XSLT scripts now. So,
>>>>>> the fix
>>>>>> >>> removes
>>>>>> >>> >>>> hard coded major, minor and micro versions
>>>>>> from the
>>>>>> >>> jvmti.xml
>>>>>> >>> >>>> and passes major and minor parameters with the
>>>>>> >>> >>>> to the XSL transformation.
>>>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>> >>>> Another part of the fix is in the JDI which
>>>>>> starts
>>>>>> >>> using JDK
>>>>>> >>> >>>> versions now instead of maintaining its own,
>>>>>> and in
>>>>>> >>> the JDWP
>>>>>> >>> >>>> agent which is using the JVMTI versions
>>>>>> instead of its
>>>>>> >>> own.
>>>>>> >>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> >>> This all seems reasonable (though I'm no
>>>>>> expert on
>>>>>> >>> working with XSL
>>>>>> >>> >>> etc).
>>>>>> >>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> >>> One thing I am unclear of is why you bother with
>>>>>> using
>>>>>> >>> >>> VERSION_INTERIM when the actual version check
>>>>>> will only
>>>>>> >>> consider
>>>>>> >>> >>> VERSION_FEATURE (aka major). Couldn't you just
>>>>>> leave the
>>>>>> >>> "minor"
>>>>>> >>> >>> part 0 the same as the "micro" part?
>>>>>> >>> >>
>>>>>> >>> >> This is right question to ask.
>>>>>> >>> >> I was two-folded on this.
>>>>>> >>> >> But finally decided to maintain minor version (aka
>>>>>> >>> VERSION_INTERIM).
>>>>>> >>> >> Then the JVMTI and debugger version will match the
>>>>>> VM and
>>>>>> >>> JDK version
>>>>>> >>> >> for update releases.
>>>>>> >>> >> If understand it correctly, we are still going
>>>>>> to have
>>>>>> >>> major.minor
>>>>>> >>> >> versions.
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > Not really. What we have now are things like
>>>>>> 11.0.3 and
>>>>>> >>> 12.0.1 - only
>>>>>> >>> > using the first and third parts. The full 4 part
>>>>>> version
>>>>>> >>> string is:
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > and we typically only update version_feature and
>>>>>> >>> version_update.
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/322
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >> Also, the JVMTI GetVersionNumberspec still
>>>>>> tells about
>>>>>> >>> both minor and
>>>>>> >>> >> micro versions.
>>>>>> >>> >> It also defines special constants for
>>>>>> corresponding masks
>>>>>> >>> and shifts:
>>>>>> >>> >>
>>>>>> >>> >> Version Masks
>>>>>> >>> >> Constant Value Description
>>>>>> >>> >> |JVMTI_VERSION_MASK_INTERFACE_TYPE| 0x70000000
>>>>>> >>> Mask to
>>>>>> >>> >> extract
>>>>>> >>> >> interface type. The value of the version
>>>>>> returned by
>>>>>> >>> this function
>>>>>> >>> >> masked with
>>>>>> >>> >> |JVMTI_VERSION_INTERFACE_JVMTI| since this is a
>>>>>> JVMTI
>>>>>> >>> function.
>>>>>> >>> >> |JVMTI_VERSION_MASK_MAJOR| 0x0FFF0000 Mask to
>>>>>> >>> extract major
>>>>>> >>> >> version number.
>>>>>> >>> >> |JVMTI_VERSION_MASK_MINOR| 0x0000FF00 Mask to
>>>>>> >>> extract minor
>>>>>> >>> >> version number.
>>>>>> >>> >> |JVMTI_VERSION_MASK_MICRO| 0x000000FF Mask to
>>>>>> >>> extract micro
>>>>>> >>> >> version number.
>>>>>> >>> >>
>>>>>> >>> >> Version Shifts
>>>>>> >>> >> Constant Value Description
>>>>>> >>> >> |JVMTI_VERSION_SHIFT_MAJOR| 16 Shift to
>>>>>> extract major
>>>>>> >>> >> version number.
>>>>>> >>> >> |JVMTI_VERSION_SHIFT_MINOR| 8 Shift to extract
>>>>>> minor
>>>>>> >>> >> version number.
>>>>>> >>> >> |JVMTI_VERSION_SHIFT_MICRO| 0 Shift to extract
>>>>>> micro
>>>>>> >>> >> version number.
>>>>>> >>> >>
>>>>>> >>> >>
>>>>>> >>> >> This is link to the spec:
>>>>>> >>> >>
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/specs/jvmti.html#GetVersionNumber
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> >>
>>>>>> >>> >>
>>>>>> >>> >> It seems, changing (and/or deprecating) this
>>>>>> will give
>>>>>> >>> more problems
>>>>>> >>> >> than benefits.
>>>>>> >>> >> It is better to remain compatible with previous
>>>>>> releases.
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > This is a problem that was flagged when the new
>>>>>> versioning
>>>>>> >>> scheme was
>>>>>> >>> > introduced but I'm guessing nothing was actually
>>>>>> done about
>>>>>> >>> it. They
>>>>>> >>> > are not really compatible beyond the major/feature
>>>>>> part.
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > If we only update the spec version with the feature
>>>>>> version
>>>>>> >>> then all
>>>>>> >>> > versions will have the form N.0.0. However your
>>>>>> changes
>>>>>> >>> will also
>>>>>> >>> > update if we happen to use a VERSION_INTERIM for
>>>>>> some
>>>>>> >>> reason - though
>>>>>> >>> > the version check will ignore that anyway. I'm not
>>>>>> really
>>>>>> >>> seeing the
>>>>>> >>> > point in having that happen.
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > Maybe we do need to define a new version API that
>>>>>> maps to
>>>>>> >>> the new
>>>>>> >>> > versioning scheme of OpenJDK ? But if we did
>>>>>> that we'd
>>>>>> >>> still have to
>>>>>> >>> > support the legacy mapping and I'd still advocate
>>>>>> simply using
>>>>>> >>> > VERSION_FEATURE.0.0.
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > It's tricky.
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > David
>>>>>> >>> > -----
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >>> For the record I considered whether this needs
>>>>>> a CSR
>>>>>> >>> request and
>>>>>> >>> >>> concluded it did not as it doesn't involve
>>>>>> changing any
>>>>>> >>> actual
>>>>>> >>> >>> specifications.
>>>>>> >>> >>
>>>>>> >>> >> Okay, thanks.
>>>>>> >>> >> I considered it too, made the same conclusion but
>>>>>> still
>>>>>> >>> have some
>>>>>> >>> >> doubt. :)
>>>>>> >>> >>
>>>>>> >>> >> Thanks!
>>>>>> >>> >> Serguei
>>>>>> >>> >>
>>>>>> >>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> >>> Thanks,
>>>>>> >>> >>> David
>>>>>> >>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> >>>> Testing:
>>>>>> >>> >>>> Generated docs and jvmti.h and checked the
>>>>>> versions
>>>>>> >>> are correct.
>>>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>> >>>> One could ask if we have to use same or similar
>>>>>> approach for
>>>>>> >>> >>>> other API's and tools, like JNI, JMX and so on.
>>>>>> >>> >>>> But these are not areas of my expertise or
>>>>>> responsibility.
>>>>>> >>> >>>> It just feels like there is some room for
>>>>>> unification here.
>>>>>> >>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>> >>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> >>> >>>> Serguei
>>>>>> >>> >>
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> --
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> Thanks,
>>>>>> >>> Jc
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> --
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Thanks,
>>>>>> >> Jc
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Jc
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