RFR: 8214545: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap tests hang in revokeall.exe on Windows

Daniil Titov daniil.x.titov at oracle.com
Tue May 21 01:02:37 UTC 2019

Please review a new version of the fix that includes the changes David suggested.

 > The count-- is obvious as it is the loop counter, but it is far from 
 >  clear to me that i++ is correct. I don't fully understand the logic

We need to increment i on line 354:

 353         if (((ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE *)ace)->Header.AceType != ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE) {
 354             i++;
 355             count--;
 356             continue;
 357         }

since the code iterates over all ACE entries for a given file and deletes ones that grant non-owner access to the file.  i is the index of the current ACE entry 
in the ACL structure. The current ACE entry is retrieved at the beginning of the loop: 

349         if (!GetAce(acl, i, &ace)) {

and the index is always incremented at the end of the loop unless the current entry is deleted.

382         if (!deleted) {
 383             str = getSIDString(sid);
 384             if (str != NULL) {
 385                 printf("ALLOW %s (access mask=%x)\n", str, access->Mask);
 386                 free(str);
 387             }
 389             /* onto the next ACE */
 390             i++;
 391         }
 392         count--;

I also created a new issue to replace revokeall.exe with Java code as Alan suggested : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8224255 

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dtitov/8214545/webrev.02 
Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8214545 


On 5/19/19, 5:43 PM, "David Holmes" <david.holmes at oracle.com> wrote:

    Hi Daniil,
    cc: Boris and Erik J.
    On 20/05/2019 7:12 am, Daniil Titov wrote:
    > Please review the change that fixes the failure of sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap JMX tests on Windows platform.  While running, these tests invoke revokeall.exe utility and this utility hangs.
    > The problem here is that invokeall.exe goes into an endless loop  while iterating over Access Control Entries (ACE) for a given file if it encounters at least one ACE with the type different from ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE.
    > The change fixes this problem.  It also removes revokeall.exe binary from the repository and changes the makefile  to get it built instead.
    > Tier1, tier2, tier3, jdk_svc, and sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap  tests succeeded  in Mach5.
    > Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dtitov/8214545
    > Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8214545
    I knew this seemed very familiar ... Boris had a fix for this a few 
    weeks ago under JDK-8220581. Similar but not identical to yours - see 
    below. Though getting rid of the exe from the repo is a good idea 
    (thanks Erik!).
    A few comments
    !         REVOKEALL="$TESTNATIVEPATH/revokeall.exe"
               if [ ! -f "$REVOKEALL" ] ; then
    I would expect a -x test not -f.
    The first copyright year should be 2004.
       25 This directory contains the source and the binary version
    Delete "and the binary version".
      31  * file - suitable for NT/2000/XP only.
    Please delete everything after "file".
      355             i++;
      356             count--;
    The count-- is obvious as it is the loop counter, but it is far from 
    clear to me that i++ is correct. I don't fully understand the logic but 
    i is only incremented under very specific conditions. If you rewrote the 
    code to avoid the use of the continue then i would not be modified 
    except where it currently is.
    > Thanks!
    > --Daniil

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