RFR [XS]: 8234968: check calloc rv in libinstrument InvocationAdapter

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Nov 29 10:41:08 UTC 2019

On 29/11/2019 07:32, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
> Just read Matthias reply:
> We call jplis_assert() if allocation fails. Looking at
> src/java.instrument/share/native/libinstrument/JPLISAssert.h
> I see that these assertions seem to be turned on all the time:
> and lands us in JPLISAssertCondition() (possible improvement here is 
> to evaluate the condition before the call):
>  58 #define jplis_assert(x) JPLISAssertCondition((jboolean)(x), #x, 
> However, JPLISAssertCondition() is not an assert - name is misleading 
> - but just a printf():
>  39 void
>  40 JPLISAssertCondition(   jboolean        condition,
>  41                         const char *    assertionText,
>  42                         const char *    file,
>  43                         int             line) {
>  44     if ( !condition ) {
>  45         fprintf(stderr, "*** java.lang.instrument ASSERTION FAILED 
> ***: \"%s\" at %s line: %d\n",
>  46 assertionText,
>  47                                             file,
>  48                                             line);
>  49     }
>  50 }
> Maybe I miss something but I do not see an abort.
There is technical debt that dates back to the original development of 
the JPLIS agent in JDK 5. If we run out of memory during VM startup then 
doing a graceful abort seems right, pointless trying to continue. I 
don't know how far you want to go with the current patch but a bit icky 
to continue (even with a warning) with the wrong configuration. The late 
binding agent case is different of course, I think the native method has 
to complete with a pending exception rather than aborting the VM.


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