RFR: 8185005: Improve performance of ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo(long ids[], int maxDepth)

Daniil Titov daniil.x.titov at oracle.com
Wed Sep 25 18:22:46 UTC 2019

Thank you, David, Daniel, Serguei, and Robbin, for reviewing this change!

Best regards,

On 9/24/19, 11:45 PM, "Robbin Ehn" <robbin.ehn at oracle.com> wrote:

    Hi Daniil,
    Looks good, thanks!
    On 9/25/19 12:45 AM, David Holmes wrote:
    > Looks good to me.
    > Thanks,
    > David
    > On 25/09/2019 2:36 am, Daniil Titov wrote:
    >> Hi Daniel, David and Serguei,
    >> Please review a new version of the fix (webrev.08) that as Daniel suggested 
    >> renames
    >> ThreadTable to ThreadIdTable (related classes and variables are renamed as 
    >> well) and
    >> corrects formatting issues. There are no other changes in this webrev.08 
    >> comparing
    >> to the previous version webrev.07.
    >> Testing: Mach5 tier1, tier2, tier3, tier4, and tier5 tests successfully passed.
    >> Webrev: https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dtitov/8185005/webrev.08/
    >> Bug: : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8185005
    >> Thank you!
    >> Best regards,
    >> Daniil
    >> On 9/20/19, 2:59 PM, "Daniel D. Daugherty" <daniel.daugherty at oracle.com> wrote:
    >>      Daniil,
    >>      Thanks for sticking with this project through the many versions.
    >>      Sorry this review is late...
    >>      On 9/19/19 8:30 PM, Daniil Titov wrote:
    >>      > Hi David and Serguei,
    >>      >
    >>      > Please review new version of the fix that includes the changes Serguei 
    >> suggested:
    >>      >   1. If racing threads initialize the thread table only one of these 
    >> threads will populate the table with the threads from the thread list
    >>      >   2. The code that adds the thread to the tread table is put inside 
    >> Threads_lock to ensure that we cannot accidentally add the thread
    >>      >       that has just passed the removal point in 
    >> ThreadsSMRSupport::remove_thread()
    >>      >
    >>      > The changes are in ThreadTable::lazy_initialize() method only.
    >>      >
    >>      > Testing:  Mach5 tier1, tier2, tier3, tier4, and tier5 tests 
    >> successfully passed.
    >>      >
    >>      > Webrev: https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dtitov/8185005/webrev.07/
    >>      src/hotspot/share/runtime/mutexLocker.hpp
    >>           No comments.
    >>      src/hotspot/share/runtime/mutexLocker.cpp
    >>           No comments.
    >>      src/hotspot/share/runtime/threadSMR.cpp
    >>           L623:         MutexLocker ml(Threads_lock);
    >>           L626:         if (!thread->is_exiting()) {
    >>               Re: discussion about is_exiting()
    >>               The header comment is pretty clear:
    >>                 src/hotspot/share/runtime/thread.hpp:
    >>                   // thread has called JavaThread::exit() or is terminated
    >>                   bool is_exiting() const;
    >>               is_exiting() might become true right after you have called it,
    >>               but its purpose is to ask the question and not prevent the
    >>               condition from becoming true. As David said, you should consider
    >>               it an optimization. If you happen to see the condition is true,
    >>               then you know that the JavaThread isn't going to be around much
    >>               longer and should act accordingly.
    >>               The is_exiting() implementation is:
    >>                 inline bool JavaThread::is_exiting() const {
    >>                   // Use load-acquire so that setting of _terminated by
    >>                   // JavaThread::exit() is seen more quickly.
    >>                   TerminatedTypes l_terminated = (TerminatedTypes)
    >>                       OrderAccess::load_acquire((volatile jint *) &_terminated);
    >>                   return l_terminated == _thread_exiting ||
    >>      check_is_terminated(l_terminated);
    >>                 }
    >>               and it depends on the JavaThread's _terminated field value.
    >>                 // JavaThread termination support
    >>                 enum TerminatedTypes {
    >>                  _not_terminated = 0xDEAD - 2,
    >>                  _thread_exiting,                             //
    >>      JavaThread::exit() has been called for this thread
    >>                  _thread_terminated,                          // JavaThread
    >>      is removed from thread list
    >>                  _vm_exited                                   // JavaThread
    >>      is still executing native code, but VM is terminated
    >>                                                               // only VM_Exit
    >>      can set _vm_exited
    >>                 };
    >>               so the JavaThread's _terminated field can get set to
    >>               _thread_exiting independent of the Threads_lock, but
    >>               it can't get set to _thread_terminated without the
    >>               Threads_lock.
    >>               So by grabbing the Threads_lock on L623, you make sure
    >>               that ThreadTable::add_thread(java_tid, thread) does not
    >>               add a JavaThread that's not on the ThreadsList. It might
    >>               still become is_exiting() == true right after your
    >>                 L626         if (!thread->is_exiting()) {
    >>               but it will still be on the main ThreadsList. And that
    >>               means that when the JavaThread is removed from the main
    >>               ThreadsList, you'll still call:
    >>                 L931:     ThreadTable::remove_thread(tid);
    >>           L624:         // Must be inside the lock to ensure that we don't
    >>      add the thread to the table
    >>               typo: s/the thread/a thread/
    >>           L633:       return thread;
    >>               nit - L633 - indented too far (should be 2 spaces)
    >>      src/hotspot/share/services/threadTable.hpp
    >>           L42:   static void lazy_initialize(const ThreadsList *threads);
    >>               nit - put space between '*' the variable:
    >>                 static void lazy_initialize(const ThreadsList* threads);
    >>               like you do in your other decls.
    >>           L45:   // Lookup and inserts
    >>               Perhaps:  // Lookup and list management
    >>           L60-61 - nit - please delete these blank lines.
    >>      src/hotspot/share/services/threadTable.cpp
    >>           L28: #include "runtime/timerTrace.hpp"
    >>               nit - This should be after threadSMR.hpp... (alpha sorted order)
    >>           L39: static const size_t DefaultThreadTableSizeLog = 8;
    >>               nit - your other 'static const' are not CamelCase. Why is this one?
    >>           L45: static ThreadTableHash* volatile _local_table = NULL;
    >>           L50: static volatile size_t _current_size = 0;
    >>           L51: static volatile size_t _items_count = 0;
    >>               nit - can you group the file statics together? (up with L41).
    >>           L60:     _tid(tid),_java_thread(java_thread) {}
    >>               nit - space after ','
    >>           L62   jlong tid() const { return _tid;}
    >>           L63   JavaThread* thread() const {return _java_thread;}
    >>               nit - space before '}'
    >>               nit - space after '{' on L63.
    >>           L70:     static uintx get_hash(Value const& value, bool* is_dead) {
    >>               Parameter 'is_dead' is not used.
    >>           L74:     static void* allocate_node(size_t size, Value const& value) {
    >>               Parameter 'value' is not used.
    >>           L93: void ThreadTable::lazy_initialize(const ThreadsList *threads) {
    >>               Re: discussion about lazy_initialize() racing with
    >>                   ThreadsList::find_JavaThread_from_java_tid()
    >>               There's a couple of aspects to these two pieces of code racing
    >>               with each other and racing with new thread creation. Racing with
    >>               new thread creation is the easy one:
    >>                 If a new thread isn't added to the ThreadTable by
    >>                 ThreadsSMRSupport::add_thread() calling
    >>      ThreadTable::add_thread(),
    >>                 then the point in the future where someone calls
    >>                 find_JavaThread_from_java_tid() will add it to the table due to
    >>                 the linear search when ThreadTable::find_thread_by_tid()
    >>                 returns NULL.
    >>              As for multi-threads calling
    >>      ThreadsList::find_JavaThread_from_java_tid()
    >>              at the same time which results in multi-threads in lazy_initialize()
    >>              at the same time...
    >>              - ThreadTable creation will be linear due to ThreadTableCreate_lock.
    >>                After _is_initialized is set to true, then no more callers to
    >>                lazy_initialize() will be in the "if (!_is_initialized)" block.
    >>              - Once the ThreadTable is created, then multi-threads can be
    >>                executing the for-loop to add their ThreadsList entries to
    >>                the ThreadTable. There will be a bit of Threads_lock contention
    >>                as each of the multi-threads tries to add their entries and
    >>                there will be some wasted work since the multi-threads will
    >>                likely have similar ThreadLists.
    >>              Of course, once _is_initialized is set to true, then any caller
    >>              to lazy_initialize() will return quickly and
    >>              ThreadsList::find_JavaThread_from_java_tid() will call
    >>              ThreadTable::find_thread_by_tid(). If the target java_tid isn't
    >>              found, then we do the linear search thing here and add the
    >>              the entry if we find a match in our current ThreadsList. Since
    >>              we're only adding the one here, we only contend for the Threads_lock
    >>              here if we find it.
    >>              If ThreadsList::find_JavaThread_from_java_tid() is called with a
    >>              target java_tid for a JavaThread that was created after the
    >>              ThreadsList object that the caller has in hand for the
    >>              find_JavaThread_from_java_tid() call, then, of course, that
    >>              target 'java_tid' won't be found because the JavaThread was
    >>              added the main ThreadsList _after_ the ThreadsList object was
    >>              created by the caller. Of course, you have to ask where the
    >>              target java_tid value came from since the JavaThread wasn't
    >>              around when the ThreadsList::find_JavaThread_from_java_tid()
    >>              call was made with that target java_tid value...
    >>           L99:         // being concurently populated during the initalization.
    >>               Typos? Perhaps:
    >>                        // to be concurrently populated during initialization.
    >>               But I think those two comment lines are more appropriate above
    >>               this line:
    >>               L96:       MutexLocker ml(ThreadTableCreate_lock);
    >>           L112:           // Must be inside the lock to ensure that we don't
    >>      add the thread to the table
    >>               typo: s/the thread/a thread/
    >>           L141:   return ((double)_items_count)/_current_size;
    >>               nit - need spaces around '/'.
    >>           L177:   bool equals(ThreadTableEntry **value, bool* is_dead) {
    >>               nit - put space between '**' the variable:
    >>                   bool equals(ThreadTableEntry** value,
    >>               Parameter 'is_dead' is not used.
    >>           L214:   while(true) {
    >>               nit - space before '('.
    >>      Short version: Thumbs up.
    >>      Longer version: I don't think I've spotted anything other than nits here.
    >>      Mostly I've just looked for multi-threaded races, proper usage of the
    >>      Thread-SMR stuff, and minimal impact in the case where the new
    >>      ThreadsTable is never needed.
    >>      Dan
    >>      P.S.
    >>      ThreadTable is a bit of misnomer. What you really have here is
    >>      a ThreadIdTable, but I'm really late to the code review flow
    >>      with that comment...
    >>      > Bug : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8185005
    >>      >
    >>      > Thank you!
    >>      > --Daniil

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