Review Request: 8238358: Implementation of JEP 371: Hidden Classes
Mandy Chung
mandy.chung at
Sat Apr 4 18:15:14 UTC 2020
Hi Peter,
On 4/4/20 3:58 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
> Here I think, you are not quite right. First I need to clarify that we
> are talking about the case where the method reference in above example
> is not converted to lambda by javac, so the proxy class needs to
> invoke the superclass method directly (without the help of lambda
> bridge). I did an experiment and compiled the example with JDK 13
> javac, where the patch for (JDK-8234729) is not applied yet. What I
> get from this compilation is the following metafactory bootstrap
> method invocation:
> 0: #35 REF_invokeStatic
> java/lang/invoke/LambdaMetafactory.metafactory:(Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandle;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;
> Method arguments:
> #42 ()V
> #43 REF_invokeVirtual test/LambdaTest.m:()V
> #42 ()V
> The #43 is the implMethod method handle and it is the following:
> #43 = MethodHandle 5:#44 // REF_invokeVirtual
> test/LambdaTest.m:()V
> #44 = Methodref #2.#45 // test/LambdaTest.m:()V
> #45 = NameAndType #46:#6 // m:()V
> #46 = Utf8 m
> #2 = Class #4 // test/LambdaTest
> #4 = Utf8 test/LambdaTest
> *BUT* the class that looks up this MH from the constant pool is the
> subclass (test.sub.LambdaTestSub) which is equivalent to the following
> programmatic lookup:
> var mh = MethodHandles.lookup().findVirtual(LambdaTest.class,
> "m", MethodType.methodType(void.class));
> System.out.println(mh.type());
> and this results in a method handle of the following type:
> (LambdaTestSub)void
> which is correct since the method handle *MUST* check that the passed
> in instance (this) is of type LambdaTestSub or subtype or else the
> "protected" access would be violated.
> And since the ref type is REF_invokeVirtual, the
> AbstractValidatingLambdaMetafactory assigns the following to the
> implClass:
> this.implMethodType = implMethod.type();
> this.implInfo = caller.revealDirect(implMethod);
> switch (implInfo.getReferenceKind()) {
> case REF_invokeVirtual:
> case REF_invokeInterface:
> this.implClass = implMethodType.parameterType(0);
> ...which makes the implClass be LambdaTestSub in this case. Which is
> correct again since we want InnerClassLambdaMetafactory to decide that
> this is the special case for proxy to invoke the method via method
> handle:
> useImplMethodHandle =
> !implClass.getPackageName().equals(implInfo.getDeclaringClass().getPackageName())
> &&
> !Modifier.isPublic(implInfo.getModifiers());
> If implClass was test.LambdaTest as you said above, this condition
> would evaluate to false, since implInfo is "invokeVirtual
> test.LambdaTest.m:()void" in above case.
My bad. I mixed up with implClass and implInfo cracked from implMethod
in your question.
implInfo::getDeclaringClass() returns the declaring class of the
resolved method, which is the superclass (which is what I have been
thinking for test.LambdaTest).
implClass is the target type of the method reference.
AbstractValidatingLambdaMetafactory has clear comment:
final MethodType implMethodType; // Type of the implMethod
MethodHandle "(CC,int)String"
final Class<?> implClass; // Class for referencing
the implementation method "class CC"
> So everything is OK, but my original question was the following: The
> name of the generated proxy class is derived from the targetClass
> which is the caller's lookup class. In this example the caller is
> LambdaTestSub and this is the same as implClass in this case.
> Would those two classes always be the same in the case where the
> evaluation of the above `useImplMethodHandle` boolean matters? I mean,
> the decision about whether to base the proxy invocation strategy on
> method handle or direct bytecode invocation is based on one class
> (implClass), but the actual package of the proxy class which
> effectively influences the bytecode invocation rights is taken from
> another class (targetClass).
> On one hand the package of the proxy class has to be the same as
> targetClass if the proxy wants to be the nestmate of the targetClass
> (for example to have private access to the members of the nest). But
> OTOH it needs to be the same package also with implClass so that the
> above decision of the proxy invocation strategy is correct. I have a
> feeling that for protected virtual methods, this is true, because the
> type of the 0-argument of such method handle is always the lookup
> class. But am I right?
> What do you think of another alternative to invoking the super
> protected method in other package: What if the LMF would decide to
> base the name of the proxy class on the implInfo.getDeclaringClass()
> in such case? It would not have to be a nestmate of any class, just in
> the same package with the method's declaring class. Consequently it
> would be in the same module as the declaring class and loaded by the
> same class loader. Therefore it would have to be WEAKLY referenced
> from the class loader. And the Lookup instance passed to bootstrap LMF
> method would not be enough for defining such class. But LMF could
> obtain special powers since it is JDK internal class...
The implementation of the method reference invocation is logical part of
the caller class. I don't think spinning the proxy class in a remote
package is the desirable thing to do (injecting a class from package A
to package B).
> Well, I don't know for myself. Is this situation rare enough so that
> invoking via method handle is not a drawback? It only happens when
> running JDK 13- compiled classes with JDK 15+ and in addition the
> method reference must point to protected method in a distant class.
There are other alternatives we considered. This implementation is a
just short term solution. We plan to follow up some future enhancements
that are the possible longer-term solutions for this issue.
1. JDK-8239580 evaluate the performance of direct method handle
invocation rather than bytecode invocation for ALL cases
Direct invocation of the `implMethod` method handle by the lambda proxy
was explored in JDK 8 lambda development time. It is time to remeasure
the performance of direct method handle invocation and re-evaluate that
2. JDK-8230501 class data support. The live MethodHandle can be passed
to the hidden class to replace the current implementation to set the
implMethod in a static field of proxy class after it's defined.
3. JDK-8199386 enhance Lookup::in to support nestmates
Hope this helps.
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