RFR(M) 8242165: SA sysprops support fails to dump all system properties
serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
Tue Apr 7 07:35:25 UTC 2020
Hi Chris,
I'm okay with your approaches.
Please, consider it reviewed.
On 4/7/20 00:17, Chris Plummer wrote:
> Hi Serguei,
> Thanks for the review. I considered a refactoring like that. However,
> I'm going to expand this test when I push my fix to add support for
> the clhsdb "sysprops" commands (one of the clhsdb commands that was
> lost when we lost JS support). So I'll be executing that command also
> in this test, and doing so using the existing ClhsdbLauncher support,
> which means not directly using JDKToolLauncher. So it kind of seems
> odd to have 4 ways of producing the properties list, but only two of
> them use this shared code. However, when I add the clhsdb sysprops
> support, I'll see if some refactoring makes sense. Maybe I could
> maintain the context of each of the 3 tools that are run in separate
> class instances, and possibly some of the implementation of a run()
> method could look like when you envisioned. I think it's best to I see
> the code for all 3 ways of generating the properties before doing that.
> As for the check on the number of properties found, my concern was
> having properties in one of two jinfo lists that are not in the output
> of LingeredAppSysProps. So at first I was thinking I would need to use
> each list as a primary list and have it compare against the other two,
> but then I realized I could just use the count of the number of
> properties found as a sanity check.
> thanks,
> Chris
> On 4/7/20 12:00 AM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> It looks good in general.
>> But a couple of comments.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~cjplummer/8242165/webrev.03/test/hotspot/jtreg/serviceability/sa/TestSysProps.java.html
>> I'm thinking if it'd make sense to do this kind of refactoring:
>> OutputAnalyzer runSACommand(String cmd, String argsStr, long pid)
>> throws Exception {
>> JDKToolLauncher launcher =
>> JDKToolLauncher.createUsingTestJDK(cmd);
>> for (String arg : argsStr.split(" ")) {
>> launcher.addToolArg(arg);
>> }
>> launcher.addToolArg(Long.toString(pid));
>> ProcessBuilder pb = SATestUtils.createProcessBuilder(launcher);
>> System.out.println("> " + ProcessTools.getCommandLine(pb));
>> Process process = pb.start();
>> OutputAnalyzer out = new OutputAnalyzer(process);
>> process.waitFor();
>> System.out.println(out.getStdout());
>> System.err.println(out.getStderr());
>> return out;
>> }
>> OutputAnalyzer jhsdbOut = runSACommand("jhsdb", "jinfo --sysprops
>> --pid", app.getPid());
>> OutputAnalyzer jinfoOut = runSACommand("jinfo", "-sysprops",
>> app.getPid());
>> jhsdbOut.shouldMatch("Debugger attached successfully.");
>> jinfoOut.shouldMatch("Java System Properties:");
>> Even though it does not seem to give a big advantage for this
>> particular test it creates a useful pattern that can be replicated
>> later if similar tests are needed in the future.
>> Also, I wonder if the code at lines 158-178 is really needed.
>> We should get a RuntimeException if any of the properties is not
>> found in the jhsdb or jinfo output.
>> So, the number of printed options should match.
>> But maybe I'm missing something.
>> Thanks,
>> Serguei
>> On 4/5/20 22:49, Chris Plummer wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Please help review the following:
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8242165
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~cjplummer/8242165/webrev.03
>>> Please see the CR for an explanation of the bug and the fix. If you
>>> need some help with the SA code, let me know and I'll provide some
>>> details. It was pretty much all new to me, so I tried to put the
>>> needed details in the CR.
>>> For the test, I compare the list of properties dumped using 3
>>> different methods to make sure the same set is dumped for each:
>>> 1. jhsdb jinfo --sysprops
>>> 2. jinfo -sysprops
>>> 3. Simple app (LingeredAppSysProps) that calls
>>> System.getProperties().list(System.out)
>>> The app output is considered the master list that is compared
>>> against the others, and I also make sure each list has the same
>>> number of properties.
>>> thanks,
>>> Chris
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