RFR (L): 8241214: Test debugging of hidden classes using jdb
Leonid Mesnik
leonid.mesnik at oracle.com
Wed Apr 22 20:06:53 UTC 2020
Looks good,
Here are several comments, mostly about code style/compliance. No
another review is needed if you want to fix them.
36 interface HC_Interface {
The name HC_Interface is not "CamelCase".
82 log = new PrintStream("Debuggee.log");
This PrintStream is not closed. Should not be a problem int this case,
just good style.
On 4/22/20 11:22 AM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
> Please, review a fix for the sub-task:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8241214
> This fix has already been reviewed internally (in Vlahalla project) by
> Mandy, Chris and Alex.
> This RFR is to collect more comments (if there are any) before push.
> Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2020/valhalla-hidden-jdb.7/
> Summary:
> We want to be able to debug hidden classes with the debuggers.
> One way to test the JDI/JDWP is by using the JDB,
> so we want the JDB to support hidden classes.
> The PatternReferenceTypeSpec::checkClassName is used to check
> if the class is valid when a event requests is set in jdb.
> Good example is to set a breakpoint which can be deferred.
> The fix is to accept hidden class names as valid to be able
> to debug hidden classes with the JDB.
> New test is to provide basic coverage for JDB (amd JDI as well).
> It verifies that the following JDB commands handle hidden classes
> correctly:
> - class, classes
> - fields and methods
> - stop in, watch, unwatch
> - where, up and down
> - eval, print and dump for fields (both positive and negative checks)
> Testing:
> Mach5 test run of the vmTestbase_nsk_jdb is in progress.
> Thanks,
> Serguei
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