RFR(XS): 8251121: six SA tests leave core files behind on macOS

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Thu Aug 6 05:33:25 UTC 2020

On 6/08/2020 2:20 pm, Chris Plummer wrote:
> Hi David,
> On 8/5/20 9:03 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> On 6/08/2020 11:16 am, Chris Plummer wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Please review the following:
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8251121
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~cjplummer/8251121/webrev.00/index.html
>>> On OSX (and possibly some linux systems), core files are not produced 
>>> in the cwd, but instead end up in some well known location. For OSX 
>>> it is the /cores directory. The core files tend to accumulate there. 
>>> This fixes the core file accumulation problem by moving the core file 
>>> into the cwd, allowing jtreg to manage it. By default jtreg will 
>>> delete the core if the test passes, and retain if if the test fails 
>>> or RETAIN=all is specified.
>> So the current code returns the absolute path to the corefile, while 
>> your new code just returns the corefile name - which is effectively 
>> the relative path ./corefilename. Is that change going to cause a 
>> problem for any clients of this API?
> No. They just want the path to the core file, wherever it is. It can be 
> a relative or absolute path.
>> Second we have theorised about the length of time it can take to dump 
>> the corefile on macOS, and now we are moving that huge corefile to 
>> another location, likely on a different disk. Could that make the 
>> timeout problem worse?
> Possibly, but I wouldn't think by much. We actually don't have an 
> explanation as to why it takes so long. It's more like the OS is getting 
> wedged for a while rather than it just having to do a lot of processing 
> and I/O. (I'm seeing the spinning beach ball in the back of my head 
> right now). Compared to the 30 minutes we are currently allowing for the 
> core dump, I would hope a 3-5g disk to disk copy would not take that 
> long relatively speaking.

Okay - I guess we will find out. :)


> thanks,
> Chris
>> Thanks,
>> David
>> -----
>>> I got rid of the code in ClhsdbCDSCore.java that explicitly deletes 
>>> the core file because we don't want it deleted if RETAIN=all is used.
>>> thanks,
>>> Chris

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