<AWT Dev> RFR: 8240487 : Cleanup whitespace in .cc, .hh, .m, and .mm files

Alexander Zuev alexander.zuev at oracle.com
Thu Aug 6 05:44:59 UTC 2020

Looks fine to me. Had to recall the vi settings that visualize spaces 
and tabs but
it was worth it. Some places looks hilarious, like this one:
I mean - someone spent a lot of time creating this invisible art.
Good it is going to be gone.


On 8/5/2020 6:46 PM, Philip Race wrote:
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8240487
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~prr/8240487/
> In advance of the move to Project Skara/git it is desirable to clean 
> up whitespace in source files
> that are not currently checked by jcheck so we can add these 
> extensions to jcheck at that time.
> The fix is therefore to remove tabs and trailing spaces.
> The 3rd party harfbuzz library has .cc and .hh files but there are no 
> current violations there
> since I've cleaned those up when importing harfbuzz upgrades.
> There is one JDK file that relates to those that inherited tabs that 
> is fixed.
> But almost all the fixes are in Objective C .m and .mm files.
> JDK has no examples of .mm but JavaFX does so I was looking just to be 
> sure.
> And all but one of the .m violations are in the desktop module which 
> is mainly because
> that is where all but 5 of the Objective-C files are.
> The only non-desktop violator is
> ./jdk.hotspot.agent/macosx/native/libsaproc/MacosxDebuggerLocal.m
> and that is included in this webrev and why I've included 
> serviceability-dev.
> -phil.

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