Ping: RFR: JDK-8249550: jdb should use loopback address when not using remote agent

serguei.spitsyn at serguei.spitsyn at
Thu Aug 6 15:13:08 UTC 2020

Hi Alex,

Thank you, for explanation.

On 8/5/20 14:08, Alex Menkov wrote:
> Hi Serguei,
> Original issue is about jdb with CommandLineLaunch connector on 
> non-Windows systems tries to resolve hostname and start to listening 
> on it.
> This behavior can cause error (this is what the bug about) and does 
> not makes sense and CommandLineLaunch connector launches local 
> process, so there is no sense to listen for connections from other hosts.
> SocketTransportService is also used for jdb "listen" and "listenany" 
> commands, but this commands require address to be specified, so 
> startListening(String) is called, not startListening().
> So the only behavior change is a debuggee started by CommandLineLaunch 
> connector accepts debuggers only from local machine, but this is how 
> jdb works (it starts local process and connects to it).
> I don't think this requires CSR.
> --alex
> On 08/04/2020 17:22, serguei.spitsyn at wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> This looks good to me.
>> But do we need a CSR for this?
>> I understand that the intention is to comply with the 
>> TransportService spec but the behavior is being changed.
>> How long did we have this behavior?
>> Thanks,
>> Serguei
>> On 8/4/20 16:32, Alex Menkov wrote:
>>> Needs one more reviewer.
>>> One more details to simplify review.
>>> SocketTransportService extends TransportService and spec for 
>>> TransportService.startListening() is:
>>>     /**
>>>      * Listens on an address chosen by the transport service.
>>>      *
>>>      * <p> This convenience method works as if by invoking
>>>      * {@link #startListening(String) startListening(null)}.
>>>      *
>>>      * @return  a listen key to be used in subsequent calls to be
>>>      *          {@link #accept accept} or {@link #stopListening
>>>      *          stopListening} methods.
>>>      *
>>>      * @throws  IOException
>>>      *          If an I/O error occurs.
>>>      */
>>>     public abstract ListenKey startListening() throws IOException;
>>> I.e. the fix updates SocketTransportService  to comply the spec.
>>> --alex
>>> On 07/23/2020 13:05, Chris Plummer wrote:
>>>> Hi Alex,
>>>> I'm no expert in this area, but the changes appear to do what you 
>>>> describe (use the loopback address), so thumbs up.
>>>> thanks,
>>>> Chris
>>>> On 7/21/20 3:04 PM, Alex Menkov wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> please review the fix for
>>>>> webrev:
>>>>> some background:
>>>>> made default 
>>>>> listening on loopback address.
>>>>> Later added 
>>>>> handling of "*" address to listen on all addresses, but it didn't 
>>>>> fixed "default" startListening() method (used by jdb through 
>>>>> SunCommandLineLauncher).
>>>>> The method called startListening(String localaddress, int port) 
>>>>> with localaddress == null, but this method for null localladdress 
>>>>> starts listening on all addresses (i.e. handle null value as "*").
>>>>> The fix changes it to startListening(String address) which handles 
>>>>> null address the same way as JDI socket connector does (i.e. 
>>>>> listens on loopback address only)
>>>>> --alex

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