Survey : On the jinfo, jmap, jstack serviceability tools

Jaikiran Pai jai.forums2013 at
Fri Aug 21 14:05:24 UTC 2020

Are the results of this survey now available?


On 16/06/20 1:12 am, Stephen Fitch wrote:
> Hello:
> We are considering deprecation and (eventual) removal of the jinfo,
> jmap, jstack - (aka “j* tools”) and building out a future foundation
> for some aspect of serviceability on jcmd, however we don’t have a lot
> of data about how how these tools are used in practice, especially
> outside of Oracle.
> Therefore, we have created a survey [1] to gather more information and
> help us evaluate and understand how others are using these tools in
> the JDK.If you have used, or have (support) processes that utilize
> these j*commands, then we would definitely appreciate a completed survey.
> We are specifically interested in your use-cases and how these tools
> are effective for you in resolving JVM issues.
> The survey will remain open through July 15 2020. The results of the
> survey will be made public after the survey closes.
> Thank you very much for your time and support.
> [1]

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